
After drinking soy sauce, the rose is more happy than the flower friend with a big face.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yesterday, a flower friend invited a guest to his house, saying that there was something good to share with us, and a group of people ran past with delight. As soon as he arrived at the door, he was attracted by the red dragon in front of his house.

Yesterday, a flower friend invited a guest to his house, saying that there was something good to share with us, and a group of people ran past with delight. As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, he was attracted by the red dragon in front of his house, one by one, blooming bigger than his face. This guy used to raise small roses, but now how has he suddenly become a great god?

Girl, I also read countless flowers, but this is the first time I have seen such a big red dragon, which is bigger than my face, so I quickly asked my friends for advice on maintenance skills, and now I share it with you.

1. Fertilization. Rose likes fertilizer, potted rose should be fertilized frequently, and light fertilizer should be watered once every 10 days during the growing season. Fertilizers are not chosen casually. Poor fertilizers are easy to hurt the seedlings. He chose an organic nutrient solution for rose, made of sugarcane molasses, which looks black and like soy sauce, but smells faint sweet and has no pungent smell at all. it is an organic nutrient solution for rose, which can promote flowering.

Rose fertilization tips: add liquid fertilizer and water every semimonthly to keep the leaves thick, dark green and shiny; pay attention not to apply fertilizer during the flowering period, and apply liquid fertilizer again after the flower fade in June, the fertilization concentration is better than thin, so as not to harm the root system.

2. Water control. The summer temperature is high, the water evaporation is fast, the temperature is relatively high in the south, generally watering 2-3 times a week. The watering cycle in the north can be extended a little bit, twice a week. If the temperature exceeds 25 degrees, spray on the leaves to increase wettability.

3. Sunshine. Rose likes the sun, dew is generally grow better, balcony potted plants should get enough sunshine, sufficient sunshine, strong photosynthesis of plants, their own disease resistance will be much better.

4. Pruning. In the process of growth, side branches and blind branches must be pruned in time to avoid the waste of nutrients. At the budding stage, buds and axillary buds should be removed, with only one flower per branch, which is much bigger.