
A lean succulent plant-- meet incense

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The incense is a perennial shrubby herb of the genus Tripterygium in Labiatae. Horticultural varieties. Touch incense leaf-shaped oval, leaf surface has fine glandular hair, fleshy, the edge has blunt sparse crenulate, interactive opposite, have clear fragrance, will leave on the finger after touching.

The incense is a perennial shrubby herb of the genus Tripterygium in Labiatae. Horticultural varieties. Touch incense leaf-shaped oval, leaf surface has fine glandular hair, fleshy, the edge has blunt sparse teeth, interactive opposite, there is a clear fragrance, after touching the fingers will leave a pleasant fragrance, so the name "touch incense". Cymes, flowers tubular, white. Much branched, entire plant covered with fine white tomentose.

Touch incense

Morphological features:

Subshrubby perennial herbs. Much branched, entire plant covered with fine white tomentose. Fleshy leaves, decussate, green, ovoid, margin obtusely serrate. The stem is thin, creeping, branched, the leaves are round, the leaves are hairy, the flowers are small and white. It is known as "touching incense" because it can emit a comfortable fragrance after touching. And because of its sweet fragrance, quite like apple flavor, it also enjoys the reputation of "apple fragrance". The smell is refreshing.

The whole plant was covered with fine white tomentose, fleshy leaves alternately opposite, thin stems and white florets.

Touch incense

The reason for the fragrance of the touch incense is similar to the "shy" principle of the mimosa. When its leaves are stimulated by touch, the water in the cells will act and the turgor pressure of the leaf pillow will change. Unlike mimosa, the leaves that touch incense do not contract under turgor, but the stomata inside expand, and a volatile, apple-scented substance spreads into the air through the stomata. In fact, usually touch the incense will also send out a weak fragrance, but this fragrance is not easy to detect, when its leaves are touched, the fragrance becomes stronger (there is also on the hand), people feel that it is fragrant as soon as it is touched.

Touch incense


1. Watch

It has ornamental value, which is also the value that people pay most attention to. Its aroma adds a lot of points to its appearance. And its temperament is unique, no matter it is put on the balcony, desk, or hang in the room, can.

2. Edible

The leaves of touching incense can be used to cook and cook soup, and adding some leaves to them when cooking can increase the aroma of food and increase people's appetite. The leaves can also be used to make tea and wine, or the leaves can be eaten directly in cold sauce. Leaves that touch incense can also be used as spices or flavors.

3. Medicinal use

Mash the leaves of touching incense, add honey or granulated sugar, rinse them with water and drink them, which can relieve sore throat; brew tea with its leaves and soak water, which can relieve stomach distension and gastrointestinal discomfort; mash the leaves of incense and apply them to the place bitten by mosquitoes to relieve itching and inflammation

4. Mosquito repellent

The aroma of touching incense can avoid mosquitoes, keep a pot at home, and protect your family from mosquitoes in summer.

5. Fresh air

And it can purify the air. Touch incense can absorb a variety of harmful gases, including formaldehyde, ammonia and sulfur dioxide, and can effectively purify indoor air.