
Key cultivation techniques of Panax notoginseng under rain

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The key techniques of shelter cultivation of Panax notoginseng 1 morphological characteristics Panax notoginseng is a perennial herb. Leaflets oblong to obovate-oblong, fine hairs on both veins; stipules ovate or lanceolate. Umbels many flowered; pedicels puberulent; flowers small,...

Key cultivation techniques of Panax notoginseng for shelter from rain

1 morphological characteristics

Panax notoginseng is a perennial herb. Leaflets oblong to Obovate-oblong, with fine hairs on both veins; stipules ovate or lanceolate. Umbels many flowered; pedicels puberulent; flowers small, basally scalelike bracts; calyx 5-toothed; petals 5, yellowish green, oblong-ovate, apex pointed. Drupe berry, subreniform, bright red when ripe. Flowering from June to August and fruiting from August to October.

2 ecological habits

Panax notoginseng likes to be warm and cool and avoid extreme heat, and the light required is usually 8% of that of natural light, and it is fond of dampness and fear of stagnant water. It is mostly cultivated in the mountainous areas of 20 ~ 25 °N, 95 ~ 115 °E, 400 ~ 1800m above sea level; suitable annual average temperature is 14018 ℃, coldest monthly average temperature is 60.012 ℃, hottest monthly average temperature is 17023 ℃, ≥ 10 ℃ annual accumulated temperature is 4200005900 ℃, annual precipitation is 9000000mm, frost-free period is more than 280d. The relative humidity of the air is 70%-80%, and the soil water content is 25%-30%. The soil is not strict, but it is not suitable for planting in areas that are too sticky, over-sand and easy to accumulate water in low-lying areas. It grows well in the mixed yellow-red soil of carbonate rock and clastic rock, which is convenient for drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer, loose and moist, rich in humus, pH 5.5-7.0, with a certain slope and has not been planted with Panax notoginseng for at least 6 years.

3 seed selection and seed treatment

In the 3-4-year-old Panax notoginseng garden, which is growing well and free of diseases and insect pests, healthy plants with tall stems and broad leaves are selected as mother plants to strengthen management [10]. Around November, select the first and second batch of full, disease-free mature fruits (red seeds) to stay. Put the red seeds into a bamboo sieve, rub off the peel, wash and dry the surface moisture. Soak seeds for 10 min with 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder 400x solution, or new high fat film, or 50% thiophanate wettable powder 1000 times solution (can be mixed with seed coating agent), isolate virus infection, ward off underground diseases and insects, not only do not affect the function of germination and swelling, but also strengthen respiratory intensity and improve seed germination rate. The seeds of Panax notoginseng are easy to lose their vitality after drying, so they should be stored with sowing or stratification treatment (the storage time is usually only 45-60 days) [11].

4 cultivation techniques for shelter from rain

4.1 Land selection and preparation

Select yellow-red soil or sandy loam with a slope of 5 °~ 15 °, good drainage, rich in organic matter and moderately acidic. After selecting the plots for leisure for half to a year, 3 ploughs and 3 harrows were carried out, and the first ploughing and harrowing was carried out at the beginning of November, and then once every 15 days, the ploughing depth was 30 cm, and the plots were fully broken and raked, so that the germs and insect eggs in each soil layer could be turned out of the soil and died after full exposure to sunlight, so as to reduce the number of pathogens and insect eggs in the following year and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Conditions permit to spread grass and burn the soil before turning the soil, or apply lime 750: 1050 kg/hm2 or 65% sodium diphosulfonate wettable powder 150: 225 g/hm2 to disinfect the soil. Base fertilizer was applied on the last plow and rake. 300 kg/hm2 of special fertilizer for Panax notoginseng seedlings, 30000 kg/hm2; of rotten organic fertilizer (farm manure) and 37,500 kg/hm2 of rotten organic fertilizer (farm manure) were applied in the seedling plot, which were evenly mixed and raked fine and flat. The width of the border is 1.2-1.5 m, and the length depends on the topography. The height of the border on flat land and gentle slope is 20-15 cm, and the height of the bed on the slope is 15-20 cm. The border is in the shape of tortoise back, loose and solid, and improve soil permeability. In order to ensure the quality of Panax notoginseng, it is necessary to consider whether the pesticide residues and heavy metal contents in the soil exceed the standard. The limit standard is as follows: BHC ≤ 0.2 mg/kg,DDT ≤ 0.2 mg/kg,Pb ≤ 50 mg/kg,Cu ≤ 80 mg/kg,Cd ≤ 2 mg/kg,Hg ≤ l mg/kg,As ≤ 20 mg/kg.

Build a shade before sowing. Using Cunninghamia lanceolata, miscellaneous wood or Phyllostachys pubescens as pillars, the column length is 2.3m, the stem diameter is 5mm 10 cm, the row spacing is 3.0m × 1.8m, the depth is 50 cm, and the ground height is 1.8m; the pillar is straightened and fixed on the pillar with No. 12 iron wire, and the side column is strengthened by oblique tension with iron wire. First lay a layer of white transparent rain shelter film, and then cover it with a special plastic shading net for Panax notoginseng, and then add a shading net with a higher light transmittance (about 50%). The light transmittance required by 1, 2 and 3-year-old Panax notoginseng is 8% 12%, 12% 15% and 15% 20%, respectively). Finally, the No. 8 iron wire is tightened and fixed between the left and right two pillars according to the "human" shape, so that the shade is in the shape of "M" to facilitate wind prevention and drainage.

4.2 sowing

The seeds were sown from December to January of the following year. After disinfection and sterilization, the seeds were sown on demand according to the row spacing of 5 cm × 6 cm, covered with a small amount of mixed fertilizer (with rotten farm manure or mixed with other fertilizers), and covered with thin layer of rice straw, mountain straw (rice straw and mountain straw must be cut into small pieces) or pine needle leaves (the mulch was sterilized with stone sulfur mixture in advance), so as to keep the border surface moist and inhibit the growth of weeds. Seed 1.05 million ~ 1.5 million seeds / hm2, equivalent to 150 ~ 180 kg/hm2 of fruit, sowing and watering, covered with white plastic film, water conservation and fertilizer saving, increasing yield.

4.3 uncover the film and release the seedlings

When the emergence rate is up to 50% and the seedling height is 1: 2 cm, the film should be opened directly and the seedlings should be released directly, and the suitable time should be before 11:00 or after 16: 00, and the soil and roots should be cultivated at the seedling hole in time.

4.4 Seedling management and transplanting

It should be watered regularly in dry weather, drain waterlogging in time after rain, maintain 25% to 30% soil water holding capacity, weed regularly (chemical herbicides are prohibited), and ensure that there are no weeds on the border and on the edge of the ditch. The topdressing at seedling stage is mainly phosphate fertilizer, which is generally applied three times, respectively, in March, June and the early stage of transplanting. The time of topdressing should be carried out after the dew of the leaves is dry in the morning on a sunny day. After the end of fertilization, shake off the fertilizer on the leaf surface with a thin bamboo pole.

The seedlings were transplanted after one year and were carried out from December to January of the following year. When transplanting, we should pick up seedlings, select seedlings and transplant at the same time. Prevent the injury of roots and buds when raising seedlings, remove diseased seedlings, injured seedlings and weak seedlings when selecting seedlings, and classify the seedlings (seeds). Before planting, it was soaked and sterilized with Dysen zinc or polyantimycin, and slightly dried. It was planted according to the row spacing of (10 cm × 12.5 cm) ~ (10 cm × 15 cm) and the density of 390000 ~ 480000 plants / hm2. When planting, the bud head faces the top of the slope, the root of the sub-strip extends naturally, and the seedlings are placed from low to high with the slope. After planting, cover with fine soil and cover with straw, mountain grass or pine needle leaves, pour enough water and cover with white plastic film.

4.5 Field management

4.5.1 release seedlings and replenish seedlings when Panax notoginseng emerges in barbed top soil, break the membrane to release seedlings and bacon, and carry out a comprehensive inspection at the same time. If dead and missing plants are found, they should be pulled out and replenished in time.

4.5.2 weeding and cultivating soil Panax notoginseng is a shallow root plant, and its roots are mostly distributed on the surface of the land, so it is not suitable for intermediate ploughing to avoid root damage. After the seedlings are unearthed, the weeds on the border should be removed in time, and the roots and roots exposed to the ground should be cultivated.

4.5.3 Water management should pay attention to watering in case of drought, keep the border surface moist, and should be carried out in the morning or evening; drain waterlogging in time after rain to avoid stagnant water and cause root rot and other diseases. Avoid prolonged drought or long-term stagnant water, keep soil water holding capacity about 25%.

4.5.4 topdressing is mainly based on rotten organic fertilizer, supplemented by compound fertilizer and various trace element fertilizers, and the use of nitrate nitrogen fertilizer and human manure is prohibited. Topdressing was applied once from April to June and from August to October respectively, and the application rate was 37,500 kg/hm2 each time. The demand for N, P and K of Panax notoginseng depends on soil fertility and growth stages, generally 2 ∶ 1 ∶ 3 (for the whole year). Promote the use of Panax notoginseng special fertilizer, chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer can also be used together.

4.5.5 picking buds when the buds of Panax notoginseng reached 3: 5 cm in mid-late July, when the red seeds were not harvested, a sunny day was selected for manual removal. Removal of flower buds can reduce aboveground nutrient consumption and concentrate on underground root growth, which plays an important role in increasing root yield and total saponins content of Panax notoginseng.

4.5.6 the main diseases of Panax notoginseng are root rot, black spot and original spot. Root rot was irrigated with 58% Ruidu wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 300 times, combined with spraying high-tech lipid film to enhance the control effect, or 10% Yekujing wettable powder + 70% dimethanesulfonate wettable powder + fine soil (1 kg ∶ 1 kg ∶ 150 kg) was better. Black spot can be sprayed with 500-fold solution of 40% mancozeb wettable powder or 1000-fold solution of 58% mancozeb wettable powder, or sprayed with an equal amount of 45% mancozeb wettable powder and 80% mancozeb wettable powder with 600 times liquid. The original spot can be sprayed with 58% mancozeb wettable powder 800 times or 65% mancozeb wettable powder 500 times once every 7 days for 2 times in a row.

The main pests of Panax notoginseng are aphids, red spiders and shell insects. Aphids can be sprayed with 1 500 times of 3% acetamiprid EC or 2 000 times of 50% aldicarb wettable powder. Red spiders can spray 0.2-0.3 pomethyl sulphur mixture after late March, once every 7 days for 2 times in a row. During the peak period from June to July, spray 5% thiazox EC 2000 × 4000 times. Scale insects can be sprayed with 25% buprofezin suspension or 40% EC 1 000 to 2 000 times at an early age.

5 harvesting and processing

5.1 harvesting time

The tuber roots of Panax notoginseng in spring (no seed) were dug from September to December, and the roots of Panax notoginseng (seed) were dug from November to December (20-30 days after red seed picking). The picking time of red seed, stem, leaf and flower is from October to November, September to December and middle to late July, respectively.

5.2 harvesting method

Root cuttings: after sharpening with self-made bamboo strips or sticks, they are sequentially dug from one side of the border to the other. If the soil is too dry and hardened, it can be dug every 3 days after dripping water. When digging, the roots should be prevented from injury to ensure that the roots are intact. Mechanical damage or diseased roots must be stored separately. Red seed: when the fruit changes from green to red and glossy, it can be picked and stored in batches, or it can be picked uniformly after full red. Stems and leaves: choose healthy stems and leaves and cut them at 2-4 cm above the ground. Flowers: when the buds grow to 3-5 cm in diameter, pick them at the base of the buds.

5.3 initial processing

Root tuber: according to the technological process of "fresh panax notoginseng sorting → cleaning → pruning → drying → polishing → classification". First, remove the diseased roots, leaves and impurities; wash quickly with drinking water to remove sediment; then, remove the hairy roots with a diameter of less than 5 mm; dry or bake at 50: 60 ℃ to 40% 50% of water content; cut off the branch roots and Reed heads above 4 / 6 mm above the surface of the main root, so that the pruning mouth is flush with the surface of the main root after drying. Dry the main root, Reed head, branch root and hairy root respectively or bake them under 40-50 ℃ to less than 13% water content; polish the dried main root and polish together in a polisher (crude bran, rice, buckwheat, dry pine needle section, etc.) until the appearance of the main root is brown and black, that is, the finished product; finally, it is graded according to the relevant requirements.

Red seed: same as seed treatment.

Stems and leaves: soak in 0.1% dilute hydrochloric acid or 2% quicklime for 2 hours, rinse with flowing drinking water, and finally bake and dry at 30: 60 ℃ to less than 10% water content.

Flowers: rinse with flowing purified water and dry to less than 10% water content.

6 packing and storage

The finished products after initial processing shall be packed in dry, clean, odorless, pollution-free containers (such as bamboo products, cartons, woven bags, gunny bags, etc.) and labeled with the product name, grade, net quality, wool quality, origin, production date and implementation standards, etc.

Products should be stored separately in a special warehouse that is clean, dry, ventilated, odorless and pollution-free. Products with water content more than 13% shall not be put into storage.