
Technical specification for high yield and high efficiency cultivation of Shegan

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Technical regulations for high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation of shoot-dry: 1 soil preparation should be selected to plant in sandy loam with high dry terrain, sunny direction, convenient drainage and irrigation and deep soil layer, and the pH value is 5.6-7.4. Plant...

Technical specification for high yield and high efficiency cultivation of Shegan

1. Land selection and preparation

The dry shoot is resistant to drought, low temperature, waterlogging and warmth, so it is suitable to choose sandy loam with high dry terrain, sunny direction, convenient drainage and irrigation and deep soil layer, and the pH value is 5.6-7.4. Turning 20cm deeply before planting, combined with ploughing, applying rotten stable manure or compost 37500kg/hm2, adding cooked cake fertilizer 750kg/hm2, and applying phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer 1500kg/hm2, ploughing deeply about 30cm, turning the base fertilizer into the soil and leveling the border. Shallow ploughing 15cm before sowing, leveling and raking fine to make a high border with a width of 1.2m, the width of the furrow is about 30cm, and drainage ditches are opened around.

2 methods of reproduction

Shegan can use seed propagation and rhizome propagation, and multi-use seed propagation in production.

2.1 seed propagation

2.1.1 Seedling shoot dry seed coat permeability is poor, and it is not easy to emerge seedlings, so the seeds should be treated 10 days before sowing. Treatment method: soak the seeds in 0.5% carbendazim wettable powder solution for 24 hours, then put the seeds into baskets, cover them tightly with linen cloth, often moisturize them with water, and sow seeds when the seeds are white up to 60%. Sow seeds from late March to early April. On the surface of the nursery border, a shallow trench with a depth of about 2cm was opened along the border according to the row spacing of 15~20cm. The seeds were evenly scattered into the ditch, covered with fine soil, slightly compacted and watered, and the border surface was kept moist after sowing, and seedlings emerged in about 20 days. The amount of seed required is about 150kg/hm2.

2.1.2 transplanting can be transplanted when the seedlings grow 3 or 4 true leaves. Before transplanting, dig up the seedlings and plant them according to three levels: large, medium and small. It is appropriate to choose sunny evening or cloudy day for transplanting. On the finished border surface, transplant to the field according to the row spacing of 30cm × 25cm. Irrigation immediately after planting, the survival rate can reach more than 90%. Raising 1 mu of seedlings can plant 610 mu of field.

2.2 Rhizome propagation

The seedlings growing for more than two years or the rhizomes propagated for more than one year are selected as seed stems with strong growth, bright yellow color and no diseases and insect pests. Transplanting is usually carried out in the middle and late March of spring. First, the stalks of robust seeds were cut into 3~4cm segments, leaving 2-3 root buds in each segment, which were used as seeds. After the seed cut was dry, the seed stem was soaked in 50mg/kgABT rooting powder solution and soaked for 3 hours before planting. Choose sunny evening or cloudy day to plant, on the whole border surface, dig holes according to the distance between rows and plants 30cm × 25cm, furrow depth 10~15cm, and plant 1 seedling in each hole. Straighten, plant steadily, cover the soil with thick 6~7cm, press slightly, and pour through the fixed root water.

3. Field management

3.1 ploughing and soil cultivation

The first intertillage weeding was carried out in the first year of seedling height 3~5cm, and then combined with intertillage in May and June, respectively. After the row is closed, the soil is no longer loosened and weeded, but the soil is cultivated on the root, otherwise it is easy to lodge in the rainy season or break from the base of the petiole to affect the yield. Every year after autumn, the plants are withered and yellow, and the rhizosphere is cultivated to survive the winter.

3.2 topdressing

Shegan is a fertilizer-tolerant crop, so topdressing is very important. If the bottom is fat, less or no fertilizer can be applied in the first year. From the second year, topdressing was carried out three times a year, in March, June and November, respectively. The first application of ammonium bicarbonate 450kg/hm2 or urea 225kg / hm2; the second application of ammonium bicarbonate 375kg/hm2, 225kg / hm2 of calcium superphosphate; the third application of compound fertilizer 450kg / hm2. Strengthening phosphate fertilizer can promote root growth and increase yield.

3.3 drainage and irrigation

Although Shegan likes drought, the roots of seedlings are shallow, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist at seedling stage and after transplanting to ensure the survival rate. When the seedling height is about 10cm, it can not be irrigated if it is not dry. Shoot dry for fear of stagnant water, especially in the rainy July to August to timely drainage, in order to prevent rotting roots.

3.4 picking buds

The seed propagation will blossom and bear fruit in the following year, and the rhizome propagation will blossom and bear fruit in the same year. The medicinal part of Shegan is a rhizome. In addition to remaining planting plants, flower buds should be picked in time to concentrate nutrients on root growth so as to increase yield. Scissors should be used to cut off buds on a sunny morning, and it is forbidden to pick them by hand.

(4) Disease and pest control

The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests should adhere to the principle of "prevention first, comprehensive control", adopt the prevention and control methods of the combination of agricultural control, biological control and chemical control, and do a good job in the prediction and efficacy test of diseases and insect pests, so as to improve the control effect and minimize the harm of diseases and insect pests.

4.1 Agricultural control

4.1.1 the diseased plants found in the center of the garden should be removed and burned in time, and the susceptible plants and withered leaves and stems should be collected, burned or buried deeply in time, so as to eliminate the sources of diseases and insect pests and reduce the accumulation and spread of pathogens.

4.1.2 rotation stubble should be reduced as much as possible, and crop rotation should be held for more than 3 years, so as to destroy the living environment of bacteria.

4.1.3 Ridge cultivation, drainage, irrigation and ridging cultivation, ridge height 20~25cm. It is strictly forbidden to flood irrigation in high temperature period, flood irrigation in long drought, avoid stagnant water in the field, small water irrigation, shallow irrigation, early and evening low temperature irrigation is better; large ditch and deep ditch drainage to avoid stagnant water on the ridge surface.

4.1.4 rational fertilization is mainly based on fully mature farm manure, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer as base fertilizer, proper topdressing of nitrogen fertilizer at seedling stage, increased application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at adult stage, and application of biogas liquid to promote the growth of shoot root system and enhance plant disease resistance.

4.2 Chemical control

4.2.1 Rust usually occurs from early August to early September. In the early stage, slightly raised sore spots appeared on the old leaves or young stems, and after rupture, orange or brown powder (rust summer spores) was scattered. In the later stage, dark brown powders (rust winter spores) grew in the sore spots. The leaves of the diseased plants dried up and fell off, and in severe cases, the plants died. When you get sick, you can spray new triazole fungicides, such as propiconazole EC 4000-5000 times or 12.5% uniconazole wettable powder 3000 times, once every 7 days for 2 times in a row. At the adult stage, use 50% verapamil EC 800 times or 50% thiophanate suspension 500 times 700 times, spray once every 5 to 7 days, and spray 2 times for 3 times.

4.2.2 Leaf spot generally occurs from July to September, harming leaves. In the early stage of the disease, light yellow spots appeared on the leaves, but in the later stage, the spots expanded and fused with each other to form large spots, the color gradually changed to dark brown, and the leaves were yellow and withered early. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% compound thiophanate wettable powder 800 times solution or 50% mancozeb wettable powder 800 times solution was sprayed once every 7 days for 2 times. It can also soak the seeds with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times solution before sowing for 3 hours, which can effectively inhibit the occurrence of leaf spot disease.

4.2.3 White silk disease usually occurs from June to August, the root turns brown and the surface is covered with white hyphae. When it is wet, white hyphae can also be seen on the surface of the soil around the base of the diseased plant, and milky or light brown sclerotia can be seen inside the hyphae. In the later stage of the disease, the stems and leaves gradually withered and the roots rotted. Diseased plants should be removed in time and burned centrally. At the initial stage of the disease, the healthy plants around gonorrhea acupoints and diseased plants were irrigated with 1000 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder to control the spread of the disease.

4.2.4 the adult of drill heart worm is called Spodoptera litura, which belongs to the family Lepidoptera. In the first ten days of May, the larvae damaged the leaf sheath and young stem, resulting in seedling breakage and withered heart. With the increase of the age, the larvae moved to the root after 7 months, which damaged the tuber, caused the stem or root to rot and affected the quality of the tuber. The larval stage is the best period for prevention and treatment. In early May, 90% trichlorfon crystals were sprayed with 800 times, and in mid-July, 45% dimethoate EC was sprayed with 800 times.

4.2.5 the damage of Daqing leafhopper began in early April, and the best control period was the nymph hatching period. When the first generation nymphs had just hatched in early April, they were sprayed with 1000 times of dimethoate, 1000 times of 90% trichlorfon or 1000 times of 50% borers.

4.2.6 grub, mole cricket grub, mole cricket bite on the rhizome. Control method: 1000 times liquid of 90% crystal trichlorfon is used to infuse holes or hang black light to trap and kill adults.

5 harvesting and processing

The seeds were harvested after 2-3 years of direct seeding, and the rhizomes could be harvested after 2 years of rhizome propagation, and the rhizomes were dug up after withering in autumn or before germination in spring. After digging, cut off the stems and leaves, wash the soil, dry in the sun, knead the whisker roots, and then dry them all. When the rhizome is semi-dry, it can be hung in a wire sieve, burned to remove the beard hair, and then dried to become a commodity. The quality of the rhizome is strong, the quality is solid, and the cross section is yellow.