
The years are like songs and the time accompanied by succulent plants

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Follow encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [quiet] for original contribution sharing submission date: 2018-04-21 Editing: encyclopedia coordinates: photo taken in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author [quiet] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: 2018-04-21

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province

The picture was taken in late spring, because early summer is approaching, I want to keep a souvenir in order to live up to the spring light.

It has been many years since meat fell into the meat pit in a twinkling of an eye. Meat has become a cabbage price from sky-high prices, and he has also changed from a rookie to a half-expert. In fact, he is not an expert. It is just that there are more varieties of meat, and he has learned more about the classification and habits of meat.

In fact, the weather here in Taiyuan does not need to be taken care of, the meat itself can grow very well, there is plenty of sunshine, Rain Water is less, and the temperature difference between morning and evening has been relatively large. Because I have to keep it indoors in winter, I always adhere to 80% of the particles. Although it grows slowly, it is in a good state. I think the root system of this soil is relatively developed. I like to add some large particles, such as 6-8mm particles, in the soil. This is inadvertently found that the meat with large particles is much stronger than the roots raised by small particles. I don't know if it's the truth. Anyway, I did it, and the effect is very good.

Because of how slow the grain is, more watering can be done in spring and autumn. When it comes to watering, I am relatively casual, basically do not count the days, carry a large basin, see which basin of dried leaves are wrinkled, into the basin bubble, directly irrigate the root. The advantage of this is convenient and clean, of course, the disadvantage is that germs are easy to infect each other, but this situation is still rare. When you see meat infected with the virus, you have to isolate and deal with it.

Needless to say, let the meat come out one by one to meet you. I would like to say that in fact, general goods are also very beautiful!

Red Crane, Dahejin, Ziva, Red Apple, Gift combination is also very beautiful.

Tp, who has seen the lotus pots in the greenhouse, has always wanted a rosette-shaped flower pots, and has finally come true. They all have their own large leaves and have a great sense of achievement.

This is Poliana, right? Forgive me for often remembering the wrong name ~

Red finger, has been waiting for it to grow up, but it just chirps.

Nana Hook

Oprina this breed is still very classic, but also very good out of shape, large and small raised a lot of ~

Jade Cup Dongyun, a favorite variety.

Xiao Yiluo

Tricolor pansy, raised soon, not out of state, emerald green is still very lovely.

Cat's Eye or Xiao Hejin? Forget ~

Cream yellow peach

Ice cream

Moon rabbit ear

A pot of stew.

The seller said it was blood pudding, but Baidu did not find this variety and always thought it was Xiao Mingyue.

Lawrence Saussurea

Rain and Zhang

Pink Moon Shadow, big pile, a hot mind has been given away, sigh …...

Rainbow, a small seedling from a meat friend, changed into a group after beheading.

Find a law of beheading, beheading while small, big and then cut, it will be useless, but it has to be cruel enough, do not succeed will become benevolent …...

Bai Feng is also a big stake. After raising it for several years, I haven't been in a state twice. I don't agree with each other, alas.

Take a random shot

Tazhixi brocade

Millet star

I don't know if it's hibiscus or Monroe. I mixed it up with it.

Cream B girl heart, or like its small appearance, this variety is not exquisite.

Augustus, super head shot, because the basin is small, and do not bother to change the basin, the head explosion has been pinched by me to breed.

Lucina, this breed is usually unhandsome, and you will be amazed at the change of season.

This looks like a Mexican snowball. I forgot again.

Manlian, I don't remember if it was called by this name, but I just think it can bear such a beautiful name.

A pot of misplaced meat ~

The vanilla that entered 160 the year before last, did not take good care of, the immortal went, sad, fortunately the leaf inserted two young seedlings, love tossing about me, did not help, beheaded, did not want to behead to live up to expectations, burst 5 heads, there is a small head hidden at the bottom, very good!

Another vanilla leaf seedling, now I have been beheaded again, some regret, originally a good group, the new seedlings have not yet grown out …...

There will be heavy snow during the Qingming Festival in 2018.

The meat in the snow, because I have moved out too much, I did not take it back. Fortunately, there is no danger, and there are injuries that do not die.

A mess full of balconies

These are all inserted by random leaves.

General goods, casually inserted leaves, planted after not much control, a year, grew a little slower, but the color is very bright, see the following picture …

Bai Jilian, I have no intention to turn it out when I started, it is so ugly that it is hard to imagine what kind of mood I bought it back then.

Bai Ji two years later, it's not easy to bring up.

Pink blue birds, how can not raise this species, obviously others think it is easy to carry, but I have killed several ~

Finally brought so big, grew up on countless corpses ~

Clotting fat lotus

This kind of clotting lotus has been raised for two years, but it has never surprised me except that the pile is more beautiful.

Lily Lili at the beginning

Now it is also the price of cabbage.

The meat in the upper left corner has forgotten its name, and the meat on the right hand side is Virgo.

A grown Virgo

The upper left corner of the picture shows how the meat grows up, because it is taken at night, the light is a little poor, the name is forgotten, solve. It grows very fast ~ it is adorned at the beginning, but it doesn't grow when it grows.

Moran Cixi, when he entered in 2016, it was a single head.

In two years, the eighteenth year of female college has changed.

Elijah, it was a little bigger when I bought it back, but it exploded in two years.

The basin with a diameter of 15 cm can hardly hold it. I don't think about changing it. This product is too long horizontally. I don't know if it will develop vertically or not, and a lot of piles will grow.

Xiuyan who entered in 2016 ~

Two years later, I grew taller, because I used the control basin all the time, and the lateral buds were not good-looking, so I broke them off and cultivated them. As a result, I grew taller and taller, so I simply changed a high basin.

Moonlight goddess, I do not know if it is because of the control type, in fact, I do not specifically control, just a little lazy, grow a little slow …...

Comparison picture of Moonlight Goddess

Marcus affixation

I'm really not very good at raising, and I turned it into the following picture in two years. The decoration is almost gone, the landslides everywhere.

Or Marcus decoration, upstairs additional products, decapitation seedlings.

Drunken beauty is also a very good-looking breed. This breed is easy to take, raising a large area, the big one has been given away, and the remaining two small ones were supposed to be given away, but they are still reluctant to stay when they are on hand.

Drunk beauty disguised, unexpectedly raised in the late spring out of a different color, beautiful ~

Alan, Christmas Eve, blue surprise, Christmas Dongyun, the next few pictures are what they look like when they grow up.

Allen, who grew up, never took a good picture of it, but it was actually prettier than the picture.

Christmas Eve after growing up

Blue surprise

Christmas Dongyun

The quiet night is now full of pots.

The two bird shit seedlings at that time were sown and brought up, but now they are also handsome boys!

This must be Romeo, right? Forget that sowing really requires a great deal of patience. It took me two years to grow up so little, probably because I can't take care of it and dare not move the seedlings many times. I hope I can grow faster from now on.

I don't know what this is, but the solution is about the charm of the night, one of ebony juice and Mafida, which has been broadcast in these close ways.

The Guanghan Palace, which is sown, does not look very good.

It was covered by heavy snow a few days ago, but now it is resurrected with blood, although it is still a little ugly.

The foil of Guanghan Palace

The snow lotus and ebony mixed at that time

Snow Lotus-the Little Fairy when she grows up

The ebony mixture of last autumn

The ebony miscellaneous in the spring of 2018 has changed into a big basin. I always think that only red pottery pots can match their domineering, without grabbing eyeballs.

Peach eggs started in 2016

When you move around, you break your heart, and then you grow disabled.

The children and grandchildren upstairs.

Jade butterfly, the youngest photos can no longer be found.

After growing up, the jade butterfly is full of children and grandchildren.

The new favorites of 2018 ~

White rose


Jian Snova





This article has been exclusively authorized by the author on the official account of Wechat: ID:duoroubaike, and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the official account.

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