
How much do you know about bonsai?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Seeing the big in the small is an important means of expression of bonsai art. Due to the limited size of the pot, the materials used in bonsai are generally small, but the landscape shown by a small scene must be large, that is, the so-called "one peak rule."

Seeing the big in the small is an important means of expression of bonsai art. Due to the limited size of the pot, the materials used in bonsai are generally not large, but the landscape shown by a small scene must be large, that is, the so-called "one peak is too Hua thousand fathom, one spoon is thousands of miles of rivers and lakes." This can be realized by virtue of special artistic techniques.

Using the principle of perspective, skillfully arrange the near and far scenery to form the effect of near big, far small, near thick and far light. Bonsai in the horizontal and vertical direction is generally divided into close-range, medium-range, perspective and other levels, each level of the scenery arranged in the volume, size, height, color and other aspects are different. For example, the close-range trees should be large, the stone outline should be clear, the depiction is strong, and the stone color should be dense; the long-range trees should be small, the rock texture should be fuzzy, the lines should be thick, and the stone color is light and elegant. By strengthening the perspective effect, the scene appears to be more far-reaching, and the special artistic effect of seeing the big in the small is obtained. by using the means of miniature scenery, the scenery in bonsai, such as rocks, trees, accessories and so on, are all treated according to a certain proportion, if different proportions are used, pong-contrast foil can play a role in seeing the big in the small.

These are some of the basic knowledge about bonsai that the editor knows. I hope it will be helpful to you. Thank you.

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