
Bonsai knowledge: how much do you know about the materials of Bauhinia bonsai?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Hello everyone, I am small gourd, welcome to read my article, bauhinia is widely distributed in our country, is also a relatively common tree species, the material of bauhinia is relatively easy, the statue is simple, it is a common material for bonsai production, today small gourd.

Hello everyone, I am small gourd, welcome to read my article, the wide distribution of bauhinia in our country, is also a relatively common tree species, the material of bauhinia is relatively easy, the statue is simple, and it is a common material for making bonsai. Today, small gourd will talk about the material of bauhinia bonsai.

Bauhinia bonsai is transplantable all the year round, and the survival rate is the highest in winter and spring. The wood is hard and dense, and the water loss is slow after mining, so it is easy to survive. Cut off the long branches before cutting, cut off the branches, and cut in front of the basin. When pruning, you should give full play to your potential, examine carefully, retain fiber roots and capillary roots as much as possible, and pay attention to smooth cutting. First grow in pots or underground to ensure survival.

For spring digging, good stumps can be planted directly on cultivated soil. Under the condition that the mining time is too long and the root is too long, the stump with serious lack of water can be soaked in clear water for a period of time and planted in the sandy soil of the plain without too much nutrients. The planting should be deep and make the stakes less bare as far as possible to reduce the loss. Improve the survival rate.

After planting, water thoroughly. Transparent plastic bags keep moisturizing. It stays in indirect sunlight for a period of time and then moves from the wind to shelter. In the future, when the soil is dry, water should be replenished in time. When hot, the plastic bag can open a mouth, and the ventilated saplings adapt the stump to the outside world. After the plant stabilizes, the plastic bag is removed completely.

Artificial propagation: Bauhinia can be propagated through sowing, ramet and pressure zone, but because of artificial breeding, roots and stems are not thick, leaves are sparse, shape is not good, generally not suitable for pot landscape use. At present, bonsai materials are selected from the old roots excavated in the field.

Mountain excavation: the growth of Bauhinia is mainly concentrated on the edge of low hills and gullies. It can trim the old autumn songs at will and enrich the old wild music for many years. In spring, digging is carried out in 2-3 months of spring to protect the root system, cut off the long main root, and prune the branches according to the modeling needs. Pruning stumps to carry out "embryo feeding" in time. Attention should be paid to maintenance and management. The trunk is covered with moss and is watered every day during the drought to keep the soil moist. The root growth recovered, the branches and leaves flourished, 1-2 years later.

Dig, dig wild old pile, easy to live, strong, can be cultivated by rapid prototyping. The practice is as follows: dig the bauhinia stump in spring, prune first, retain the main branches, cut the rest into a bowl, shade, spray, and manage water.

After sprouting, spraying is reduced, shading at noon, when the new branch is semi-lignified, it is strongly pruned, and the branch is truncated to 1-4 cm long, that is, the first branch of the stump. After strong pruning, the growth is restored. The middle and last ten days of 6 months will be replaced by the soil of the ornamental basin. Every 2-3 days, take the heart once a week, once a week, use pancakes to promote the germination of new branches and leaves. By pinching repeatedly, the branches become denser and the leaves become smaller.

If you want to preserve the bauhinia bonsai, the first step is to draw materials, do you know?