
Which pots are poisonous? It turns out that these indoor plants are poisonous, friends who grow flowers, pay attention.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Green plants can not only purify the air but also take care of the body and mind. Nowadays, many kinds of plants are cultivated into potted plants and put indoors. But perhaps everyone did not expect that some plants are extremely poisonous! At this point, it is estimated that there are some flower friends.

Green plants can purify the air and nourish the body and mind. Nowadays, many plant species are potted and placed indoors. However, perhaps everyone did not expect that some plants actually contained poison!

At this point, it is estimated that some flower friends are very surprised, can be put into the indoor potted plants are actually poisonous, some incredible. So what's going on? Can these poisonous potted plants still be kept indoors? Which potted plants are poisonous?

Generally speaking, contact with most flowers and plants in daily life is no problem. These poisonous potted plants, toxicity mainly lies in its roots and mucus parts, if the human body accidentally touched them, it may cause skin itching, pain allergy and other phenomena. Here are a few examples.

1. Green radish

It can be said that green radish is one of the most widely selected potted plants in many flower lovers, but in fact, green radish mucus is also poisonous. It is recommended to wear gloves when handling or planting green radish at ordinary times to avoid accidental contact with green radish mucus. Encounter green radish mucus, there may be skin redness, itching and other phenomena. Friends with children at home have to pay more attention, do not let children eat green radish leaves by mistake, this damage to the throat is very big.

2. Evergreen

Evergreen is a good air purifier, so it is also popular as an indoor potted plant. However, like green radish, the sap from the leaves and stems of Evergreen is poisonous. Evergreen stem juice is the most toxic, once touched, remember to immediately wash with water. However, in general, Evergreen has more advantages than disadvantages, but in the usual treatment of potted plants, flower friends should pay attention to some of it.

3. Dripping Guanyin

Dishui Guanyin, as a highly ornamental green leaf plant, naturally popular with everyone. However, the problem comes. Dripping Guanyin is estimated to be the most toxic of the three plants mentioned in this article. In the same case, its juice is poisonous. Skin is more sensitive, fragile friends, or do not choose it as wonderful.

In general, these potted plants, but the plant itself juice toxic, flower friends should be careful when dealing with it, they are still very good in purifying the air and ornamental, worth everyone to choose!

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