
Cultivation techniques of pollution-free Bamboo Root Ginger in Kaijiang County

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of pollution-free Bamboo Root Ginger cultivation techniques in Kaijiang County Bamboo Root Ginger in Kaijiang County has a long history and is an agricultural product with local characteristics. It is famous for its crisp, succulent, less fiber and rich ginger flavor, and its price is much higher than that of other bamboo root ginger products.

Cultivation techniques of pollution-free Bamboo Root Ginger in Kaijiang County

Bamboo root ginger in Kaijiang County has a long history and is an agricultural product with local characteristics. It is famous for its crisp, succulent, less fiber and rich ginger flavor, and its price is much higher than that of other bamboo root ginger varieties. At present, the planting area of bamboo root ginger in the county is 400 hm2, with an average output of 45 t/hm2 and an average output value of more than 230000 yuan / hm2, which are mainly distributed in Changling Town, Bamiao Town and Guangfu Town of Kaijiang County. The cultivation of bamboo root ginger is mainly in the way of burrow. because the cultivated soil is deep, the soil quality is good, and the water and heat is very suitable for the growth of bamboo root ginger, it is favored by the market, and it is also one of the important economic sources for local farmers. Combined with the practical experience of cultivation in Kaijiang County, the main points of cultivation techniques of pollution-free bamboo root ginger in Kaijiang County are introduced as follows.

1 Environmental conditions of producing area

The cultivation of pollution-free bamboo root ginger should choose the places nearby where there are no pollution sources, good ecological environment, soil, water, atmosphere and other harmful substances, and the ginger field should choose fields with deep soil layer, convenient drainage and irrigation, no waterlogging and flood-drought rotation for more than 2 years. The soil quality of the field should be loose and fertile, rich in organic matter, non-sticky, well-ventilated, slightly acidic loam or sandy soil [Jishan Huayao].

2. Land consolidation

Before frost, the depth of ploughing was more than 30 cm, and the second deep ploughing after the beginning of the next spring was combined with the application of base fertilizer, which was mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by high potassium compound fertilizer, and the amount of organic fertilizer was 36000 kg/hm2, compound fertilizer 300kg/hm2.

3 selection and treatment of ginger species

3.1 excellent local ginger varieties with strong stress resistance, high quality and high yield and good commercial quality were selected. Growing ginger requires large, plump, robust, bright skin, fresh meat, no shrinkage, no decay, no freezing, hard texture, no diseases and insect pests and no mechanical damage.

3.2 Ginger seed treatment

Ginger seeds need to be treated before sowing. One is to break the ginger seed to dry the ginger seed, choose a sunny day 7 days before sowing, wash the ginger seed with clean water and break it into small pieces weighing 70 g, each block should have 1 or 2 fat buds, and the cut of the seed block should be dipped in fresh plant ash, and then spread it on the outdoor clean ground or straw mat to dry for 1 day or 2 days. Drying seeds can increase the temperature of ginger pieces, break dormancy, promote germination, reduce moisture in ginger pieces, and prevent decay. The second is ginger seed disinfection, which can be sterilized after drying for 1 day or 2 days. The disinfectant can be soaked in carbendazim for 15 min, or with 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for 30 min, or with 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 120 Bordeaux solution for 20 min. The third is to accelerate sprouting, according to the actual situation of ginger species, to see if it is necessary to accelerate budding. If ginger seeds have sprouted and the bud length is more than 1 cm, they need not be germinated as soon as possible, otherwise they must be accelerated. There are two methods to accelerate germination, which are outdoor heating hotbed method and indoor constant temperature method. The outdoor brewing hotbed sprouting method means that the sterilized ginger seeds are stacked on the brewing hotbed one by one, the stacking thickness is determined according to the hotbed depth, generally no more than 35 cm, and the ginger is covered with a layer of straw and covered with plastic film to keep warm and humid for 10 days. Indoor constant temperature sprouting method means that the sterilized ginger seeds are put into bamboo frames or plastic baskets (must be ventilated on all sides and at the bottom) and put into a constant temperature room that is kept at 22 ℃ for 20 days.

4 sowing

Planting bamboo root ginger in the field chose to sow on a sunny day before and after the Qingming Festival. Bamboo root ginger is mainly cultivated by nest planting method, which generally requires that the depth of the nest is 30 cm, the diameter of the ginger nest is 20 cm, the distance between the center of the nest is 33-36 cm, and the density is kept at 90 000 plants / hm2.

5. Field management

5.1 apply sufficient base fertilizer and topdressing for many times

Bamboo root ginger is extremely resistant to fertilizer, in addition to adequate base fertilizer, but also should be applied many times, thin application for many times to avoid injury caused by numb ginger. The principle of fertilization is light application of seedling fertilizer, heavy application of combined branch fertilizer, supplementary application of autumn fertilizer, and topdressing is often combined with ploughing, weeding and soil cultivation.

The first time to topdressing is to chase strong seedling fertilizer, choose to apply fertilizer when the seedlings are full and the seedling height is 25: 35 cm, in order to promote its early growth and rapid development, apply 5%-10% rotten farm fertilizer solution 25000 kg/hm2, or 0.5%-1% urea dilute fertilizer solution 22500 kg/hm2. The second time of topdressing was topdressing heavy fertilizer and big fertilizer. When selecting 4 branches of seedlings, 10 000 kg/hm2 of rotten farm manure or 200 000 kg/hm2 of compound fertilizer was applied. If there are more Rain Water when applying fertilizer, it can be applied at 10-12 cm from the plant. The third topdressing was topdressing turning fertilizer. The weather turned cool in early autumn. After removing the shade or shade in the ginger field, fertilizer was applied immediately to promote the branching and expansion of bamboo root and ginger. Urea 300 kg/hm2 350 kg/hm2, potassium sulfate 300 kg/hm2, superphosphate 150 kg/hm2 or compound fertilizer 250 kg/hm2 was applied. The fourth topdressing was topdressing expansion fertilizer, and the vigorous growth period of rhizome was selected in late September, in order to promote the rapid expansion of ginger and prevent premature senescence, compound fertilizer 350 kg/hm2 was applied.

5.2 ploughing and soil cultivation

Due to the habit of bamboo root ginger growing upward, the more branches, the higher the position of the rhizome in the soil, and the expansion of ginger requires dark and no light conditions, so bamboo root ginger should be combined with weeding and topdressing to cultivate soil for many times during the growth period. Straw or straw can also be used to cover the border surface, one is to replace mid-tillage to cultivate soil, and the other is to prevent Rain Water from scouring [1].

5.3 Water management

The water management of bamboo root ginger during the growth period is from less to more and then to less. Water less before branching, and if there is no rain for a long time, appropriate watering can be done to promote branching and expansion. After branching, before expanding, and 30 days before harvest, watering should be reduced according to weather conditions. If the rainy season comes, it is necessary to clear the ditch and drain in time and lower the groundwater level so that the roots will not be waterlogged and rot.

5.4 Shade

Bamboo root ginger is a shade-loving plant, which is not tolerant to strong light and high temperature, and its leaves are easy to wither under strong light, so after summer, shade should be built or planted in ginger fields, or intercropped with elevated crops such as corn, which is beneficial to the growth of bamboo root ginger plants. After autumn, when the light intensity weakens, the shade should be removed in time, and the stems of corn should be pulled out in time after harvest, so as to enhance the accumulation of photosynthesis and assimilation nutrients and increase yield.

(6) Diseases and insect pests and their control

The main diseases are rot, spot disease, etc., and the main pests are ginger borer, small land tiger, ginger maggot, mole cricket and so on. The main control methods are agricultural control, biological control, physical control and chemical control.

6.1 Agricultural control

Reasonable rotation, planting ginger treatment, increasing application of organic fertilizer, deep ploughing, weeding, cleaning the countryside.

6.2 Biological control

To create environmental conditions for the protection of natural enemies and conducive to the survival of natural enemies, choose pesticides with low lethality to natural enemies, and apply biological agents such as avermectin, BT emulsion and agricultural streptomycin to prevent and cure diseases.

6.3 physical control

Use insecticidal lamp to kill insects, silver gray plastic film to avoid aphids, and popularize the use of color plates to lure insects.

6.4 Chemical control

Use low toxicity and low residue pesticides, pay attention to alternate use and reasonable mixed use of pesticides, and strictly enforce pesticide dosage and safety interval.

7 harvesting and storage

7.1 harvesting

Determine the harvest time according to market demand and product maturity. Fresh tender ginger should be harvested when the third tiller is flat, and old ginger or seed ginger should be harvested when the rhizome is fully expanded and ripe [5].

7.2 Storage

The ginger dug out should not be exposed to the sun. After air-drying for 2-3 days, the ginger can be put into the cellar, and the new and old ginger pieces can be stored separately. During storage, the temperature in the cellar was kept at 13-15 ℃, not less than 12 ℃, so that the color of ginger cubes was good and the storage time was long [5].