
Pure and flawless

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Saxifraga is a deciduous shrub of Saxifragaceae. The bark flakes off. Branchlets hollow, reddish brown, stellate pilose when young. Panicles, corymbs, Cymes or racemes, 5 cm~12cm long, 5 petals, white.

Saxifraga is a deciduous shrub of Saxifragaceae. The bark flakes off. Branchlets hollow, reddish brown, stellate pilose when young. Panicles, corymbs, Cymes or racemes, 5 cm~12cm long, 5 petals, white or slightly reddish outside. In early summer, the white flowers are full of trees, clean and elegant, and the double petal variety is more beautiful. Gardens at home and abroad have been cultivated for a long time. It should be planted on lawns, roadsides, hillsides and forest edges, and can also be used as planting materials for flower hedges and rock gardens. Flower branches can be used for vase and ornamental. Roots, leaves and fruits can be used medicinally.

Shu Shu

Morphological features:

Deciduous shrubs, sparsely semi-evergreen, to 3 m high. Bark flaky, branchlets hollow, reddish brown, stellate hairs when young, old branches smooth. Leaves opposite, shortly stipitate; leaf blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 5cm long and 4cm wide, apex pointed, base slightly rounded, margin serrulate, stellate hairy on both surfaces, scabrous.

Erect panicle, flowers white or pinkish spotted; calyx tube campanulate, connate with ovary wall, Lignification, lobes 5, erect, persistent when fruiting; petals 5, petals oblong, with stellate hairs outside; filaments apical with 2 long teeth; style 3-5, free, stigma often decurrent. Capsule subglobose, apex flattened with short beak and reticulate. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from October to November.

Shu Shu

Growth environment:

It is often found in valleys, roadsides, rock crevices and low mountain shrubs in hills. Like light, slightly resistant to overcast. Like warm, humid climate, but cold-resistant, drought-resistant. The requirement of soil is not strict, but the soil with humus PH6-8 and good drainage is suitable. Strong sex, strong sprouting, resistant to pruning.

Garden use:

In early summer, the white flowers are dense, simple and elegant, often planted in a corner of the lawn, next to the building, with rocks on the edge of the forest; if the mountain plum blossom configuration is similar to the flowering period, it will blossom in the second place, which can prolong the flowering period of the trees. It should be planted on lawns, roadsides, hillsides and forest edges, and can also be used as planting materials for flower hedges and rock gardens. Flower branches can be used for vase and ornamental.

Shu Shu

Medicinal value:

It can be used medicinally for thinning roots, leaves and fruits. Folk used as antipyretic medicine, poisonous, use with caution.

"Shu" means urine, "Shu" means smooth drainage, and "Shu Shu" means diuresis, because its roots, leaves and fruits can be used medicinally. The sparse white flowers appear even more flawless.