
Don't step on the colorful flowers in the four minefields of raising jasmine.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jasmine flowers, because of their different habits, need to pay attention to some "minefields" when conserving. Only by avoiding these "minefields" and complying with the needs of jasmine growth, can jasmine flowers bloom colorful and the aroma will float all over the room. The first "Ray."

Jasmine flowers, because of their different habits, need to pay attention to some "minefields" when conserving. Only by avoiding these "minefields" and complying with the needs of jasmine growth, can jasmine flowers bloom colorful and the aroma will float all over the room.

The first minefield: fat

Conservation of jasmine, do not fertilize too thick or apply unripe organic fertilizer. Thick or immature manure can cause root system burns and cause leaves to turn yellow. However, jasmine likes to be fertilized, and flower friends had better stop fertilizing when it is more than 35 ℃ in summer.

Keep reasonable fertilizer content in jasmine peanut for a long time, the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is uniform, apply 500 times organic nutrient solution once a week; phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the bud stage, which can promote the formation of more flower buds. During the growing period, the retting alum fertilizer water or ferrous sulfate solution was sprayed every 1-2 weeks.

The second minefield: water

Raise jasmine, avoid stagnant water in the basin. If the basin soil is moist for a long time, the root system will rot due to lack of oxygen in the basin soil, the leaves will gradually turn yellow and fall off, and even the whole plant will die. However, jasmine likes the soil to be moist, and flower friends should be watered early and late every day in summer. During the dormant period in winter, watering times should be reduced and water quantity should be controlled.

The third "minefield": light

Jasmine is a sunny flower, and there is not enough light in the maintenance process. Because of the lack of sunlight, it is easy to cause overgrowth of plants, thinning of leaves, slender branches, few buds, few flowers, small flowers and light aroma. Therefore, to maintain jasmine, we need plenty of sunshine, so that jasmine leaves are dark green, branches are stout, buds are many, and aroma is strong.

The fourth "minefield": Wen

Jasmine avoid too high or too low temperature. When the temperature is too high, the plant is in a semi-dormant state, and the flowering is less and uneven; when the temperature is low, the plant grows slowly, and if it is below 5 ℃ for a long time, some branches will freeze to death. Flower lovers need to know that jasmine likes high temperature, usually starts to sprout at about 20 ℃, gestates buds at more than 25 ℃, forms buds at 28-33 ℃, and the optimum temperature for growth is 22-35 ℃.

In addition, raising jasmine requires frequent heart extraction and plastic surgery in spring. To re-cut after blooming, with sharp gardening scissors, cut off the excess branches, in order to promote the germination of new branches, so that the plant strong, plump, blooming.