
Stop asking me how to match the soil. I know everything after reading this.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
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Reproduced from Green Field Horticulture House

Editor / succulent plant sink

Lovely things are bound to be a little troublesome to raise. If they are easy to raise, they will be everywhere, so let's take a look at the difficult problem of mixing soil today.

1. Basic requirements of soil for planting succulent plants

Like succulent, but do not know what soil to use to support this fragile little life, so can only buy cultivated soil online. So how to choose the planting soil of succulent plants, and which soils are suitable for growing succulent plants. Let's take a look at it.

The basic requirements of succulent plants for soil are: loose and breathable, good drainage and water retention, containing a certain amount of humus, moderate particle size, no over-fine dust, weakly acidic or neutral (a few species can be slightly alkaline).

The specific requirements of different types of soil are different. Such as epiphytic cactus, require loose and breathable, humus is mostly weakly acidic soil, it is best not to contain sand, gravel and calcareous materials.

Some species native to the limestone belt, such as Cactus, Baihongshan, Peony, Amygdalaceae and Chrysanthemum, require loose, ventilated and calcium-rich soil.

Measuring ruler, cactus (grass ball) and fast-growing cactus and chakra species require soil rich in humus. For small species such as raw stone flowers, the cultured soil should not contain too much humus.

At present, among the common cultivated species, except for the species of Cephalophora, which are native to the Caribbean islands, the soil can not contain salt.

2. Common soil materials for planting succulent plants.

As long as it can meet the above basic requirements, it can be used as a material for the preparation of culture soil. At present, the main ones commonly used are as follows:

(1) Sand: should not contain salt, there is no too fine sand and dust, it is best to wash and dry. The particle size is 0.2ml / 2mm.

Foreign experts have very strict requirements for sand, and Japanese experts advocate the use of sand in the upper reaches of the stream, while European and American experts advocate the use of quartz ore, because the ore has not been washed by water, and the particle shape is irregular, which is more conducive to air permeability.

It is not easy for us to draw materials, so at present, many growers try to use less sand and use gravel and perlite instead.

(2) Garden soil (loam or sandy loam): the soil for cultivation of vegetables or open-field flowers has medium particle size, good drainage and water retention, and has a certain amount of humus.

The disadvantage is that there are many grass seeds, which may also contain germs and eggs. Therefore, before use, it should be exposed to the sun or steam disinfection, and then sifted.

Generally use twice sieving, first use coarse sieve (coarse sieve eye is 2 mm), discard coarse soil or pad at the bottom of large basin, and then use fine sieve (fine sieve eye is 0.2 mm) to remove fine dust.

(3) Base fertilizer: according to the recommendation of Japanese experts, 2 parts of cow dung, 2 parts of bean cake or vegetable cake, 1 part of plant ash, 2 parts of shell meal or fish bone meal, 2 parts of human feces and urine, 1 part of bone meal can be mixed and stored for half a year and dried in the sun.

(4) rotten leaf soil: it can be crushed and piled up with vegetable peel, withered branches and fallen leaves, bean shell, Osmunda Osmunda, etc., and is often used instead of garden soil.

(5) Peat: humus has a lot of humus but decomposes slowly and is not easy to be powdered. It is a safe and long-term culture soil material in theory.

However, the quality of peat sold in the market is mixed, some peat is not only poor fertility, but also often bonded into large lumps in the basin after watering, making it difficult to root down. Therefore, it is necessary to buy peat with reliable quality after trial.

(6) Plant ash and sawdust: plant ash should not burn excessively. Apply black ash instead of grayish white. Sawdust can not use pine, sawdust should be thick, preferably stacked.

(7) calcareous materials: shell powder, eggshell powder and aged wall crumbs are commonly used, which are particularly important for most terrestrial types of cactus, Amygdalaceae and Chrysanthemum.

(8) lightweight materials: including crushed coconut shell, vermiculite, perlite and snake sawdust commonly used in Taiwan (made from broken tree trunks), often used as cutting media. Sand can also be mixed into the culture soil when newly introduced plants take root to prevent soil hardening.

In addition to the above commonly used materials, local growers according to the basic requirements and convenient materials, but also often use volcanic ash, pond mud, briquette ash, vinegar dregs, moss, husk ash and so on, are very good soil materials.

3. Preparation method of soil for planting succulent plants

According to the diversity of species, there are many culture soil formulations for succulent plants.

Some foreign experts even make a formula for each of the major species, at least a genus has a formula.

This is obviously very difficult for general flower producers and enthusiasts, and ordinary growers can only use formulations with a wide range of adaptability. Japanese experts also have a very detailed study on the cultivation of soil. here are some recipes commonly used in Japan:

(1) 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 5 parts of coarse sand, 1 part of chaff charcoal and 1 part of shell powder (first Horticulture Co., Ltd.).

(2) 3 pieces of rotten leaf soil, 5 parts of coarse sand, 1 part of charcoal dust and 1 part of calcareous material (Cactus Orchard).

(3) 7 parts of sand, 2 parts of base fertilizer, 1 part of charcoal dust, suitable for planting plants (Songju Qianji).

(4) 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 6 parts of sand, a small amount of rotten dry cow dung and a small amount of calcareous material (Longdan Sixiong).

(5) 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 5 parts of sand and 2 parts of base fertilizer (Fangming Garden).

(6) 10 parts of sand and 2 parts of base fertilizer (containing calcium), which are suitable for small species of Amygdalaceae such as raw stone flower (Fangming Garden).

An American expert recommends a very unique formula: first, one part of rotten leaf soil, one part of mountain mud and one part of sand are mixed according to the volume ratio, in which the rotten leaf soil is made of broad-leaved leaves such as beech and oak, and the mud is made of sunny slope, and the sand is made of quartz sand.

Then add 4 tablespoons of bone powder, 3 tablespoons of gypsum and 1 spoon of superphosphate to 4.546 liters (1 gallon) of mixed soil.

These soil formulations should be sterilized before use.

There are two disinfection methods: steam heating and drug disinfection. Steam heating is to keep the soil temperature 70 degrees Celsius for 2 hours or 90 degrees Celsius for 1 hour to achieve the purpose of disinfection.

When disinfecting drugs, insecticides such as fenitrothasone and marathon and fungicides such as chlorothalonil, carbendazim and Dysen zinc can be used.

Some websites may recommend that the concentration should be slightly thicker than usual, with at least one insecticide and one fungicide sprayed and covered with film for a day.

If a certain amount of carbofuran is mixed before use, it has a certain effect on preventing the harm of shell insects and mouse women.

After looking at the choice of soil for succulent plants, do you think it is more troublesome to grow succulent plants? It takes good soil, proper watering, and sunshine to grow such moving plants.

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