
Hearing the name, this potted plant has a big belly, green leaves, wealth, and a long life.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Today, the editor recommends a potted plant suitable for lazy people, its shape is very lovely, big belly, green leaves, the name is also very good, called Yuanbaoshu. I heard that there are also the advantages of attracting wealth and treasures. Let's have a look.

Xiao Bian today recommends a potted plant suitable for lazy people maintenance. Its shape is very cute. It has a big belly and green leaves. The name is also very nice. It is called Yuanbao Tree. I hear there's a bonus to getting rich. Let's see how it is maintained. Selection of flower pots

In view of the relatively vigorous growth of Yuanbao tree, try to choose some relatively large flower pots, which can give enough growth space and nutrition to the roots. Then try to choose pottery pots, permeability is better, the bottom of the flowerpot can put a little ceramsite, increase soil permeability and water permeability. Less light.

The ingot tree did not like sunlight very much. If it was exposed to sunlight for too long, its leaves would turn yellow easily and wither easily. Without sunlight, it would grow better. timely pruning

The shape of the ingot tree is very important, so it takes a lot of effort to trim it. Generally speaking, do not see to trim off some miscellaneous branches, but also trim a certain shape, otherwise it will affect the beauty of oh. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to prune once every three months, but it should be judged according to the actual growth situation. a suitable temperature

Yuanbao tree for temperature requirements are still very good, it originally grew in the south, so like a warmer climate, if in the north of the conservation, try not to put outdoor conservation. Of course, in summer, it can be maintained outdoors for a while. In winter, the indoor temperature should be controlled above 20 degrees Celsius, so that the ingot tree will grow stronger. suitable moisture

The ingot tree may need more water in summer and can be watered every 4 or 5 days. In winter, avoid freezing injury, water less, half a month can be. But don't spray water directly onto the branches and leaves with a watering can, as this will yellow the leaves. Keep good ventilation indoors.

The above is the main point of the maintenance of Yuanbao tree organized by Xiaobian. The favorite flower friends can pay attention to a wave of oh.