
Envy other people's hydrangea changing colors? Try this aquaculture method. Yours is fine, too.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hydrangea, also known as eight Immortals. Its umbrella-shaped inflorescences, such as snowballs, are surrounded by oval green leaves. In recent years, Hydrangea, as an important flower and tree in summer, is loved by more and more flower lovers.

Hydrangea, also known as eight Immortals. Its umbrella-shaped inflorescences, such as snowballs, are surrounded by oval green leaves. In recent years, Hydrangea, as an important flower and tree in summer, is loved by more and more flower lovers. Hydrangea is also planted in a corner of the lawn or under evergreen trees as the main ornament in landscaping. Hydrangea has many colors, such as red, pink, blue, white and so on. Careful flower friends will find that the color of the green belt or other people's hydrangeas will change during flowering. In fact, this is really the difference between hydrangeas. After understanding the growth habits of hydrangeas, your hydrangeas can also change colors.

The discoloration of hydrangea has a lot to do with the soil, light, temperature and fertilizer in which it grows. Hydrangea can bear shade, but it is also necessary for light. It is generally recommended that after the temperature warms up in spring, hydrangea should be gradually adapted to the change of light before moving outside, and should not be directly moved to culture under strong light, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf blotches or wilting. Give hydrangea shade in the middle of summer, otherwise it is easy to get sunburn and shorten the flowering period. The most suitable temperature for the growth of hydrangea is 15-28 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 5 ℃ in winter, the hydrangea should be moved into the room.

Hydrangea prefers loose, fertile, well-drained, humus-rich soil. The color of hydrangea is controlled by a pigment belonging to anthocyanins, which turns blue when combined with aluminum ions. If you want hydrangea to have blue flowers, add acidic humus to the soil when changing pots in early spring, such as pine needles, sawdust, bark and so on. These humus can not only promote the absorption of aluminum ions, but also contribute to the growth of plants. If the hydrangea turns blue for a long time, you can use a thin aluminum sulfate solution to fill the roots of the hydrangea, and then apply ferrous sulfate solution or diluted white vinegar solution to make the soil acidic. The application of aluminum sulfate may conflict with the application of phosphate fertilizer to promote flowering, because phosphate fertilizer will hinder the absorption of aluminum ions, so phosphate fertilizer can be suspended during the application of aluminum sulfate.

If you want the blue hydrangea to turn pink, you can appropriately increase the alkalinity of the soil, such as sprinkling plant ash into the basin soil, then filling the plant with tap water, or burying it in the soil with broken egg shells or crushed crab shells. General white hydrangea due to different varieties, it is difficult to turn blue or pink. Because the soil in the south is usually sour and the soil in the north is alkaline, the naturally flowering hydrangeas cultivated by families are usually blue in the south and pink in the north.

Although the flowers are beautiful, hydrangea is toxic all over the body. Wash your hands immediately after touching leaves and flowers or when the juice touches the skin. Eating hydrangea by mistake can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath or vomiting and abdominal pain. Families with pregnant women and children should put hydrangeas out of the reach of their children or on a well-ventilated balcony and try not to breed them in the bedroom.