
When a harmful grass farmer who looks like rape in the wheat field sees it, he will cut off 9 yuan per jin and some people use it to make a fortune.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Spring and summer is the most exuberant season for the growth of weeds in the countryside, especially in spring, all kinds of weeds grow in the countryside. Most farmers like the weeds in the countryside, and even regard them as treasures.

Spring and summer is the season when weeds grow most vigorously in rural areas, especially in spring, when there are all kinds of weeds in the countryside. Most farmers like the weeds in the countryside, and even treat them as treasures. This is because some of these weeds can be eaten as wild vegetables, and some can be used as herbs to treat diseases, such as houttuynia, dandelion, purslane and so on. However, there are still many weeds that farmers hate or even hate, the author introduces such a weed below.

With the arrival of May, many weeds in the countryside began to blossom, and many weeds blossomed beautifully, but they were still mercilessly cut down by farmers. Artemisia annua is one of them. I believe that many friends who have lived in the countryside should have seen Artemisia annua. Most of them should have seen Artemisia annua sow, which is interesting in shape, its leaves are like celery leaves, and its flowers are cool like rape flowers, and its fruit is also very similar to rape. If people who are not familiar with it are likely to mistake Artemisia annua for rape, but it is such a beautiful flowering weed, it is true that farmers' friends have seen people cut down harmful weeds, why?

I believe that farmers who have planted land should better understand that Artemisia annua likes to grow in wheat fields, farmland and other places. Artemisia annua has strong transmission, strong adaptability (distributed in Asia, Europe, Africa and North America) and strong vitality. The most important thing is that it is deeply rooted, so that it has a strong ability to absorb nutrients, and often grabs the nutrients of crops in wheat fields and farmland, resulting in poor growth of crops. Therefore, it is not only our peasant friends who hate it, but also foreign farmers who hate and hate Artemisia annua, so Artemisia annua has become a harmful grass to be cut by everyone.

Although sowing Artemisia annua is so abhorrent, it is not worthless at all. In the village, the author saw some peasant friends specializing in harvesting and sowing Artemisia annua and made a fortune by sowing Artemisia annua, so what is the function of sowing Artemisia annua?

According to the records of "Chinese Materia Medica", Artemisia annua L. is actually a very good Chinese herbal medicine, which has been used in ancient times. The seeds of Artemisia annua L. can be used as medicine, and its taste is pungent, bitter and Greater Cold. It has the effects of purging lung and reducing qi, expelling phlegm and relieving asthma, promoting water and detumescence, expelling heat and expelling evil, strengthening heart and diuresis. It can be used to treat many symptoms such as phlegm, asthma and cough, facial edema, hydrothorax, edema, adverse urination, pulmonary heart disease and so on.

The young leaves of Artemisia annua are still a kind of first-class wild vegetables, and their young leaves are rich in vitamins and carotene, which are also good for the body after eating. After collecting the young leaves, blanch them with boiling water and mix them with oil and salt. In addition, the seeds of Artemisia annua are also rich in oily substances, which can be used to refine oil, and the refined oil is also edible.

It is precisely because Artemisia annua has these functions that many peasant friends in the village specially go to wheat fields and farmland to help get rid of this harmful grass, and then sell it. As far as I know, in the village where the author lives, the tender leaves of Artemisia annua are about 9 yuan per jin, and its seeds are about 7 yuan per jin, which also makes many peasant friends a small fortune.

Dear friends, do you know anything about Artemisia annua? Have you ever eaten the tender leaves of Artemisia annua? Welcome to leave a message and exchange!