
The more these 8 kinds of flowers are watered, the faster they die. Let's see if you have any.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, To summer, many flowers should be properly increased watering frequency, after all, high temperature and water evaporation quickly, easy to lack of water, but many people found themselves increased watering frequency, but flowers are inexplicably dead, what happened? ...

To summer, many flowers should be properly increased watering frequency, after all, high temperature and water evaporation quickly, easy to lack of water, but many people found themselves increased watering frequency, but flowers are inexplicably dead, what happened? In fact, many flowers are dormant or semi-dormant in summer, so it is necessary to control the water at this time, otherwise it is easy to die, especially the following 8 kinds of flowers, you must control the water in summer.

Longevity flower

It can be said that it is one of the most common varieties, which is easy to feed and has a long florescence, and is deeply loved by flower friends, but when the summer temperature exceeds 30 degrees, longevity flowers will enter a semi-dormant state, and maintenance methods should be properly adjusted.

Summer maintenance methods of longevity flowers:

1. Maintain astigmatism and ventilation, avoid exposure, such as living room or north balcony

2, reduce watering, especially indoor, see the pot soil surface whitening and re-watering, dew to avoid rain, otherwise easy to rot leaves.

Crab claw orchid

Crab claw orchid itself as a drought-tolerant variety, when the temperature exceeds 25 degrees, crab claw orchid will go into a dormant state.

Maintenance methods of crab claw orchid in summer:

1. Maintenance of semi-overcast ventilation places, such as north balcony, etc.

2. Reduce watering, watering once or twice a month. Spray water on the ground when the temperature is too high to increase air humidity.

3. Pruning, it is recommended to trim the crab claw orchid once in summer, leaving 6-7 leaves on each branch, and stop fertilizing.


Geraniums that are afraid of heat and cold will also enter a semi-dormant period when the summer temperature exceeds 30 degrees, and the maintenance method should be changed.

Maintenance methods of geranium in summer:

1. Pelargonium must be shaded and maintained by scattered light after summer to ensure good ventilation, such as the north balcony.

2. Pruning, pruning the leaves, some weak branches and dead branches at the bottom of the geranium can add some potash fertilizer.

3. When you see the pot soil whitening and then watering, try not to pour it on the leaves, otherwise it will easily cause the leaves to rot.

Rieger Begonia

Begonia, such as four Seasons Begonia, Rieger Begonia, etc., will enter the dormancy period when the temperature is higher than 30 degrees.

Summer maintenance methods of Rieger Begonia:

1. Cut off the residual flowers and move them to a cool and ventilated place for maintenance

2. When the temperature is too high, you can spray water around the pot to increase the air humidity, but you can not water the leaves, otherwise it is easy to cause the leaves to rot.

3. Reduce watering and keep the basin soil slightly moist.


When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the golden clock will stop growing, and when it exceeds 35 degrees, it is likely to be heated to death, so it is difficult to hang the golden clock upside down to spend the summer.

Upside down Admiralty summer maintenance methods:

1. Maintenance of astigmatism, ventilation and shade, such as north balcony and east-west balcony, can not accept direct light.

2. reduce watering and keep the basin soil slightly dry, but it is necessary to spray water on the leaves every morning and evening to increase air humidity.

3. Stop fertilizing in summer


It is estimated that many flower friends' cyclamen have been raised to death before summer, but it is actually perennial. It is properly maintained in summer and will sprout and blossom again in autumn.

Cyclamen summer maintenance methods:

1. After the fairy comes to the flower, he will enter the dormant period, stop watering and let the pot soil dry. When all the leaves have fallen off, put the plant in a cool and ventilated place.

2. Before autumn, keep the basin soil slightly moist. When the temperature drops to about 20 degrees, cyclamen will begin to sprout and grow new leaves again. After watering through the water, cyclamen will soon blossom again.


Marguerite is one of my favorite varieties, a kind of grass flower that is very easy to burst into a pot. It is a kind of grass flower that shines brightly with a little sunshine, and its vitality is so exuberant that it can live by pinching a branch into a pot.

Marguerite summer maintenance methods:

1. Marguerite, who will enter the dormant period in summer, will be watered every 3 days or so to trim the residual flowers in time.

2, after entering the summer, it is recommended not to let its buds continue to bloom, pinch them off, store nutrients, and burst the pot as soon as they open in autumn.


As the most common foliage plant in home, ivy can also absorb formaldehyde to purify the air compared with green pineapple, but it is more resistant to freezing than green pineapple, but when it is hot in summer, ivy will stop growing.

Ivy summer conservation methods:

1. When the temperature is above 30 degrees, put the ivy in a cool and ventilated place, or keep it outside in a semi-shady place.

2. the basin soil is dry before watering, but spraying water on the leaves can increase the air humidity every day.

Flower friends, have you raised all these flowers? Do not water the flowers in summer, do the habits of the flowers and water them properly in order to make the flowers grow better.