
Double-height cultivation techniques of passion fruit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Double-height cultivation techniques of passion fruit 1 morphological characteristics and growth environment of passion fruit 1.1 morphological characteristics of passion fruit, the scientific name egg fruit, because its shape is very similar to eggs, it is a herbaceous vine, passionflower, plant length.

Double-height cultivation techniques of passion fruit

1 morphological characteristics and growth environment of passion fruit

1.1 morphological characteristics

Passion fruit scientific name egg fruit, because its shape is very similar to eggs and got the name, for the herbaceous vine, passionflower family passionflower genus, the length of the plant is generally about 6.0m, the stem is thin and with stripes, the base is light green, the middle is purple, the shape of the fruit is ovoid, the diameter is usually 3 cm, the surface is smooth glabrous, the fruit is purple when ripe [1]. The origin of passion fruit is the Antilles, the life span of the plant is about 20 years, and the economic life is 1 / 2 of its total lifespan. Its fruit can be eaten raw or used as medicine, and its seeds can extract oil. Because the pulp is juicy, it is called the king of fruit juice.

1.2 growth environment

Passion fruit is a tropical plant, which has high requirements for growth environment, especially temperature, water, light and so on.

1.2.1 temperature

Practice shows that 20-30 ℃ is the most suitable temperature for passion fruit growth. Once the ambient temperature is lower than 0 ℃, the plant may wither and die because of freezing. The area with an average annual temperature of more than 18 ℃ is suitable for planting, and it is easy to achieve the goal of high yield. Because of this, Guangxi and other places have become the main producing areas of passion fruit.

1.2.2 moisture

Passion fruit is suitable to be planted in areas with an average annual rainfall of 1 500 to 2000 mm. Although passion fruit is more drought-tolerant, it must be irrigated in severe drought season, otherwise the growth and development of vines and fruits will be affected because the soil is too dry.

1.2.3 Lighting

Because passion fruit is a tropical fruit, it likes sunlight, and the more sufficient light is, the more beneficial it is to promote vine growth and accumulate nutrients. In the area where the average annual sunshine time is 2 300 to 2 800 hours, passion fruit can achieve the goal of early fruiting and high yield.

2. Technical measures for double-high cultivation of passion fruit

Guangxi is located in the middle and south subtropical monsoon climate region. Under the combined action of atmospheric circulation, solar radiation, geographical environment and other factors, the region has formed distinct climatic characteristics, that is, warm climate, abundant Rain Water and moderate sunshine. This provides conditions for the cultivation and cultivation of passion fruit [2]. This paper focuses on the analysis of high quality and high yield cultivation techniques of passion fruit in Guangxi.

2.1 Seedling measures

2.1.1 introduction

According to the color of the fruit, passion fruit can be divided into two categories: one is purple fruit, the other is yellow fruit. The representative variety of the former is Tainong No.1. According to practical experience, this variety has higher yield and better fruit quality. The origin of passion fruit is in the tropics, and the cold tolerance of the plant itself is weak, so purple fruit seedlings should be introduced when cultivated in subtropical areas, and the seedlings should be domesticated before planting to eliminate the plants that are seriously damaged by freezing. Plants with more vitality after overwintering are selected as mother plants for cutting, and repeated screening in the second and third years, so as to make the seedlings suitable for local climatic conditions. Thus lay the foundation for the realization of the goal of high quality and high yield.

2.1.2 determine the time of raising seedlings

Under the climatic conditions in Guangxi, the passion fruit seedlings cultivated in November will bear fruit around May of the following year, the whole fruiting period is longer, and the fruit yield can be greatly increased; the seedlings cultivated around April will usually bear fruit around August of the following year, and the duration of the whole fruiting period is relatively short, which will reduce the yield. Therefore, it is suggested that the time of cutting seedling raising should be set at about November, supplemented by April, so as to achieve the goal of high yield [3].

2.1.3 Rapid breeding

There are two commonly used cutting seedling raising methods: seedling bed and arch shed. In contrast, the cost of the arch shed is low and easy to manage, so it can be used as the first choice for rapid seedling cultivation, as follows: select a rice field made of sandy loam soil and drain the water in the field after the harvest is finished in October. When the soil is semi-dry and semi-wet, the soil is broken by a rotary tiller, and the residual grass in the soil is removed, and then the bed is carried out, and its length can be controlled within 20 m. The width should not exceed 1.0 m, and the black plastic film should be covered to be inserted.

2.2 key points of double-height cultivation techniques

2.2.1 site selection and fertilization

The characteristics of passion fruit determine its higher requirements for sunlight exposure, and stagnant water will affect the growth of passion fruit to a certain extent. In view of this, when cultivating passion fruit, plots with easy drainage and sufficient sunshine should be selected. When cultivating passion fruit on terraced land, the soil can be raked by rotary tiller, drainage trenches should be dug according to 3 m row width, base fertilizer should be applied at a fixed point every 2 m in the row, at the same time, the same amount of fertilizer should be applied at each point, and after fertilization, the topsoil should be evenly mixed with base fertilizer, and the backfill should be about 15-20 cm higher than the original ground. When cultivating passion fruit on the slope, the pit can be dug along the contour line according to the row spacing of 3 m × 2 m, so that the pits are staggered with each other and distributed in the shape of fish scales, and rotten barnyard manure or organic manure is applied in each pit. and mixed well with the excavated pit soil and filled into the pit as base fertilizer [4].

2.2.2 planting and erection

The best planting density of passion fruit is 100,120 plants / 667m2. The seedlings with a height of less than 20 cm can be planted directly, and those with a height higher than 20 cm can be truncated according to their thickness. When cutting seedlings, the principle of being strong, light and weak should be followed. In the process of planting passion fruit, all the old leaves of seedlings should be removed, the depth of planting should be controlled at 10 cm, and the whole old branches should be buried in the soil. After planting, scaffolding should be set up to ensure the healthy growth of passion fruit seedlings. In the process of erecting scaffolding, if there is bamboo or wood, the materials can be used locally. If not, the cement column can be used as the pile. The pile height should be controlled at about 2.5m, and the depth of the pile should be controlled at 40-60 cm.

2.2.3 pruning and pruning

Because the seedlings of passion fruit have very strong germination ability, and the new buds germinated have a very high branch formation rate, so that the branches and leaves of passion fruit grow very vigorously, but this is easy to cause shading phenomenon, which affects the quality and yield of fruit. Therefore, pruning and leaf pruning must be done well in the process of cultivation. The specific measures are as follows: when the passion fruit seedlings are planted and survived, a vine can be reserved on the shed, and all the flowers and side branches on the vine can be removed. When the vine is on the shed for about 50 cm, it should be topped, and three strong side branches should be set aside as the first-class side vine. When 6 buds appear on it, the front end of the side vine should be topped, at the same time, three second-level side vines should be reserved on each primary side vine, and the rest of the vines should be cut off.

2.2.4 Water and fertilizer management

Topdressing is one of the effective measures to achieve the goal of high quality and high yield of passion fruit. Topdressing can be carried out according to the growth of seedlings and the number of fruits. Before going to the greenhouse, nitrogen fertilizer can be given priority to, and each plant can be topdressing 2-3 times a month, and the amount of fertilizer can increase with the growth of seedlings. After topping in the greenhouse, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be increased. As the flowers of passion fruit are blooming in batches, they should be fertilized once for each batch of flowers. In addition, passion fruit is a fleshy root, if there is too much water in the soil, it is easy to cause rotten roots, so it should be drained in time on rainy days.

2.2.5 Disease and pest control

According to the relevant planting experience, the main diseases and insect pests that do great harm to the healthy growth of passion fruit are mosaic disease, stem rot, root rot and aphids. Because passion fruit itself has strong disease resistance, when it is infected with stem base rot and root rot, the disease can be effectively controlled by applying organic fertilizer, improving ventilation conditions, strengthening water and fertilizer management and other measures. Aphids do great harm to passion fruit, and once they occur, they will affect the fruit yield and quality. for this kind of pest, 10% imidacloprid 4000 × 6000 times liquid and 0.5% amino oligosaccharide water agent 600 times liquid can be sprayed to control aphids effectively [5].

3 conclusion

The cultivation and cultivation of passion fruit is a complex and systematic work. In order to achieve the goal of double height, we must understand and master the corresponding technical measures. Combined with the climatic characteristics of Guangxi, this paper discusses the technical measures of double-high cultivation of passion fruit in order to further improve the yield of passion fruit.