
These 8 kinds of flowers are watered enough to grow more and more exuberant in summer!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although it is still May, but friends in the south have already entered the summer. With high temperature and exuberant evaporation in summer, watering flowers has become the most important thing for flower friends. Today, Huahua introduces several kinds of flowers that like water very much. You must give enough water in summer. Come and see if you have any in your home.

Tortoise back bamboo

Tortoise back bamboo especially likes the humid environment, in the summer high temperature environment, it is best to water once in the morning and evening. In addition, the tortoise back bamboo leaves are large, evaporation is exuberant, so you can often spray water to the leaves, or spray water around the plant.

Gardenia jasminoides

Summer is the peak growth season of Gardenia jasminoides, and the water demand is also relatively large. You can pour water once in the morning or evening, and be careful not to accumulate water. Every 5 days or so, add a little citric acid and ferrous sulfate to the water to make the gardenia leaves brighter.


Summer is the peak growing season of peppermint, which requires a lot of water, so it is best to water once a day to keep the soil moist. Peppermint leaves are easy to yellowing in a dry environment.

Douban green

When the summer temperature is close to 30 degrees, the green leaves of Douban are easy to lose their luster when they are watered once in the morning or evening. When planting Douban green, you can choose the soil with good permeability and water permeability to avoid stagnant water.

Hanging bamboo plum

Diaozhumei especially like the humid environment, in the high temperature season, need to water once a day, in especially hot, you can sprinkle water around the plant to maintain air humidity. The dry environment can easily cause the leaf edge of Dianzhu plum to scorch and even wither.

One-leaf orchid

In the growing season to give enough water to the orchid, the basin soil should be watered when dry, and often spray water to the leaves and sprinkle water around to maintain the humidity of the air. In addition, thin liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month to make the leaves stronger and brighter.


In the wild, the iris is longer than the ditch, which shows how much it likes water. In the high temperature in summer, it is found that after the basin soil becomes dry, it is immediately watered and often sprayed to the leaves, which can not only maintain air humidity, but also make iris leaves green and bright, increasing ornamental.

Dryopteris przewalskii

Dryopteris also likes water very much and can be watered once a day. At high temperatures in summer, spray can be applied to the leaves, which can not only increase air humidity, but also stimulate the growth of Dryopteris to keep the leaves clear.

Do you have any of these water-loving flowers in your family?

If there's any doubt.

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