
What do you think of Yulu? beheading looks like a sure way to win.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In the past, our most conventional method was to cut off the head with a scalpel, which was simple and convenient, but this method had a drawback, that is, it was easy to cut the leaves with full columns and compact leaves, as shown below: for hundreds of valuable goods.

In the past, our most conventional method was to cut the head with a scalpel, which is simple and convenient, but this method has a drawback, that is, it is easy to cut the leaves with full columns and compact leaves, as shown below:

For hundreds of expensive varieties, it is a pity to cut a few leaves. Today, uncle introduces a way to cut off the head of Yulu without hurting the leaves.

1 material preparation

Generally speaking. The material required for beheading is very simple, except for plants, it is generally used for disinfection, carbendazim is generally used, and some environments are "bad" (not really bad, of course), such as humid and high-temperature environments. in that case, you can also choose carbendazim, because carbendazim is equivalent to an enhanced version of carbendazim.

2 methods

Here I use the "strand method", which requires the least and is the easiest to use. The following picture wraps two threads around the base of the plant like a necklace, and then pulls the thread around the plant in the opposite direction, which is a bit like a scarf.

3 "twist"

It's time for one of the fingers of both hands to wrap the two threads around the fingers and pull hard toward the two segments. Note that in the process of pulling, if the root is loose, press the plant with the remaining fingers and place it to "jump" out of the soil. Also stare at the base of the leaf, see if it damages the base of the leaf, and place a squeeze or bruise.

As for this line, under the premise of ensuring the strength, of course, the thinner the better! Fishing line is a very good choice!

Strangled plants:

4 disinfection

As mentioned above, you can also use carbendazim, of course, I will use carbendazim in my demonstration here. After being cut down, the leaves that fall off the base will be removed for leaf insertion. For specific leaf insertion tutorials, please refer to the leaf insertion tutorials written by other great gods.

Be careful when taking the pedestal to see if the plant is detached from the pedestal, otherwise it may damage the stem tissue. Then sprinkle carbendazim evenly on the root growth point of the plant and the budding point of the base.

Next, I will show you the sprouting of one of my jade fans after beheading. Shou is almost like this, and you can see the difference in the future.

I also wish you all a successful beheading!