
Daily maintenance of Happy Tree potted plants the study is calm and quiet and the balcony is flourishing.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Happiness tree can absorb harmful substances in the air, with anti-radiation effects, but also a healthy work and home environment, as an ornamental plant, happiness tree color and luster and tree shape determine its value, our home.

Happiness tree can absorb harmful substances in the air, with the impact of radiation protection, but also a healthy work and home environment, as an ornamental plant, the color and luster of the happiness tree and the shape of the tree determine its value. if we are in a hurry to move in after decoration, we can raise a pot to purify the air. The cultivation methods of happiness tree mainly include the understanding of the characteristics and habits of happiness tree, the various conditions needed for the growth of happiness tree and the common maintenance knowledge of happiness tree. Below, Hua Youjun mainly starts from these aspects to provide you with the methods of happiness tree cultivation and the relevant knowledge of happiness tree maintenance.

Flower Friends: growth habits and maintenance of Happiness Tree

1. Soil

When cultivating happy trees, soil is also very important. It is best to choose soil that is loose, breathable, well drained and nutritious. It is usually prepared with the ratio of garden soil: rotten leaf soil: mature organic fertilizer: River sand = 5: 3: 1: 1. During the growing season, the soil is loosened once a month to ensure that its roots are always in a good permeable state. If it is found that there is stagnant water in the basin, it should be removed as soon as possible, and the basin should be turned over and changed after the basin soil is dried.

Happiness tree

2. Sunshine

The happiness tree is a plant that likes the sun, which can survive under the full sun or in a semi-shaded environment, but neither can be extreme. if the sun shines too much in some areas in summer, do not be exposed to the sun. For example, you can build a small shed above the happiness tree outdoors, with the top shading on three sides, so that the sun can not expose it in the hottest time, and measure light to prevent the happiness tree from drying up due to exposure when the sun rises or sets in the west. If you leave it in the shade for a long time, the happiness tree will turn yellow and fall off because it has not seen the sun for a long time.

Light is very important. Happiness trees like to grow in a semi-overcast environment, or full light. When sprouting in spring, you only need proper watering, so that you can restrain the happiness tree from growing too tall. During the hot season, you need to spray water 2-3 times a day to prevent heatstroke and strengthen spraying water to plants, which will create coolness and moisture.

Flower Friends: control of Common Diseases and insect pests in Happy trees

3. Temperature

Happiness tree is produced in tropical and subtropical regions. It naturally likes high-temperature plants. The most suitable temperature is about 20 degrees, but the highest is not more than 28 degrees and the lowest is not less than 8 degrees. If the temperature is higher than 28 degrees in summer, please put the happiness tree indoors or in the shed, preferably ventilating and spraying water to the leaves to help cool it down. In autumn and winter, if the temperature drops below 10 degrees, try to put the happiness tree in an air-conditioned or heated environment to prevent discomfort and even frostbite caused by too low temperature. No matter what season, try to control the happiness tree to survive at the right temperature.

The growth environment of the happiness tree is also very important, which is mainly due to the temperature. The growth temperature is 20 ℃-21 ℃ during the day and 18 ℃-19 ℃ at night. Try to keep the temperature below 27 ℃ in hot summer. When the ambient temperature is very high, it is necessary to use a shed for shade. Increase the humidity of the environment, thus increasing the humidity of the leaf surface. When in winter, the temperature should not be less than 8 degrees and the humidity should not be less than 5 degrees, otherwise you will be frostbitten.

Happiness tree

4. Moisture

Happiness trees like a humid environment, but the roots can not be blistered, the soil can be kept moist, moisture can not be lacking but can not be over-watered, otherwise the roots will rot. In the high temperature season in summer, plants consume a lot of water, coupled with high temperature, it is necessary to often check the soil wettability and replenish water in time, spray some water on the leaves every 2-3 days, and increase humidity can also assist in cooling.

5. Fertilization

If the happiness tree is planted in bonsai, there will be a lack of elements in the soil over time. Fertilizer must be replenished in time, otherwise the soil cannot absorb nutrients. How can it live? The happiness tree grows very fast, and there is a great demand for nutrients, so you must often turn the soil, apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer with water and pour it on the soil, or simply go to the flower market to buy ready-made fertilizer and fertilize it according to the instructions, and be kind to it. He will bring you happiness. If you water it every 3 days or so, it must be thoroughly watered. The so-called thorough watering is not just to see the water seeping out of the dehydration plate, now the weather is dry, there will be cracks on the edge of the flower pot, please fill the cracks with hard ditch soil before watering, and then water. Otherwise, the water will flow down the crack and the whole basin will not be poured through.

6. Pest prevention

All plants need to be protected against insect pests, but there are different kinds of insect pests to be prevented. The main insect pests of Happiness Tree: leaf spot, mites, aphids, shell insects and so on. Leaf spot disease, as the name implies, means long spots on leaves. In this case, the leaves should be removed in time. It is best to take them outdoors and burn them to prevent other leaves from getting infected. Shell insects generally grow on the trunk of a book and sweep down in time after they are found and killed. The main cause of the above two diseases is the breeding in the environment of high temperature and no ventilation, so be sure to ventilate, these two kinds of pests are easy to observe, and can be remedied in time when the disease is found in the early stage. And mites, invisible to the naked eye, aphids are very small, do not pay attention to observation is not easy to find, mainly reflected in the growth of new leaves wrinkled, and curly, uneven leaves. It is necessary to administer medicine to get rid of insects in time.

Green plants play a very good role in beautifying the home, and they are even more outstanding in purifying the air. Happiness tree is such an ornamental plant.

1. Remove the odor

Happiness tree potted plant, can effectively absorb formaldehyde, benzene, is the preferred plant after decoration of the house. Through the leaves can correct odor and antibacterial, the absorption of carbon monoxide and other harmful gases in the air also has a certain ability, of course, it also plays a certain role in resisting the exhaust gas produced by tobacco combustion. Therefore, the happiness tree can be used as an "efficient air purifier" in the new house.

Happiness tree

2. Release oxygen at night

In addition to purifying the air, the happiness tree can also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night, increasing the content of negative ions in the air and increasing air humidity. Because of this, the happiness tree is of great help in improving indoor air quality. The small happiness tree is also suitable to be placed in the bedroom, which can replenish oxygen, purify the air and help us sleep.

3. Show personal appreciation style

The so-called love of beauty is shared by everyone. Although the Happiness Tree does not want the flowers to be beautiful and colorful, it reveals the beauty of fortitude in its simplicity. The upright trunk and green leaves have been telling people how exuberant its vitality is. When you cultivate a happiness tree, you can see the master's taste and love. Of course, it is also constantly improving the home environment and making your home more beautiful.

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