
Pure love, talent, boldness, feminine beauty--Dianthus chinensis

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Dianthus chinensis, alias: Dianthus chinensis, Dianthus chinensis, Dianthus mongolicus, Dianthus chinensis, Dianthus, Dianthus chinensis, Dianthus, Dianthus

Carnation, alias: Xing'an carnation, northern carnation, carnation, Mongolian carnation, carnation, alpine carnation, Liaodong carnation, long calyx carnation, long bract carnation, forest carnation, carnation, Latin name: Dianthus chinensis L. Caryophyllaceae, Carnation perennial herbs, 30-50 cm high, the whole plant glabrous, with pink green. Stems arising from the root neck, sparsely clustered, erect, upper branches. Leaf blade linear-lanceolate, apex acuminate, base slightly narrow, entire or denticulate, midrib more prominent. Flowers solitary branch tip or several flowers integrated Cymes; purplish red, pink, scarlet or white, apical margin irregularly toothed, throat striped, sparsely bearded; stamens exposed outside throat, anthers blue; ovary oblong, style linear. Capsule cylindric, enclosed in persistent calyx, seeds black, oblate. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from July to September.


Medicinal value:

The root and the whole grass are used as medicine to clear away heat and diuresis, break blood circulation, dissipate blood stasis and detumescence. The whole grass or root of carnation can be used as medicine.

Ornamental value:

Carnation has been widely cultivated. Many varieties are bred, which are good ornamental flowers. The plant type of carnation is low, the stem is like bamboo, the leaves are green, and the natural flowering period is from May to September, from late spring to mid-autumn, and potted plants in greenhouse can bloom for four seasons. Flower terminal branch tip, solitary or paired, there are also paniculate Cymes; flower diameter is small, only 2 to 3 cm, but flowers luxuriant, one after another, ornamental period is longer. The colors are white, pink, red, pink, bright red, purple, lilac, yellow, blue and so on.

Gardens can be used in flower beds, flower borders, flower beds or potted plants, as well as rock gardens and lawn edges. Large area planting can be used as landscape ground cover material, in addition, carnation has the ability to absorb sulfur dioxide and chlorine gas, where there is poison gas can be varied. It is also good to watch the cut flowers.



Sikongshu of the Tang Dynasty wrote in the Carnation Flower of Yunyang Temple: "A farewell from the mountains, we met in this temple." Leaves come out of high and low, and there are no clumps of depth. It is difficult for a wild butterfly to fight for white, but the courtyard gives way to red. Who is sorry for the longest, spring dew to autumn wind. " The author depicts the form of carnation in a leisurely mood and shows the importance of carnation with butterflies and pomegranates.

Wang Anshi in the Song Dynasty admired the beauty of carnation and regretted that it was not appreciated by people. He wrote two songs of carnation flowers, one of which was "the spring returns to the valley and the ground is light red." No one sees a reward for chariots and horses, but it is pitiful to enjoy the spring breeze.
