
The way for succulent rookies to advance: keep in mind that these eight diligent you will also become great gods.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many friends may have such doubts: they have been raising succulent plants for a year or two, but why is the level not growing? How do those real or online succulent gods come into being? And oneself, how should ability.

Many friends may have such doubts: they have been raising succulent plants for a year or two, but why is the level not growing? How do those real or online succulent gods come into being? As for myself, how can I improve my level of raising meat? Take a good look at this article, the little exquisite life will discuss with you how the novice has become a veteran or even a great god.

1. Diligent in learning

There are many forums about succulent plants on the Internet, and there are also many experienced flower friends and gods in the forums. They are all happy to share their experiences in the conservation of succulent plants, and search for more topics about succulent plants on the Internet. browse the growing process and experience of succulent plants shared by flower friends in the forum, join some local flower friends, and even offline flower market traders, shed owners, everyone has their own experience Accumulate these experiences, identify false things, keep the real things, and sum up the maintenance experience that is suitable for you.

2. Diligent in practice

Why are other people's meat so fat? Why is the meat of other people out of shape so quickly? The experience of others is not only seen but not listened to, it is of no practical use to talk on paper, to do more with reference to the experience of others, such as leaf insertion, breeding, beheading, soil allocation, and so on, to try all kinds of good methods to test what means to adapt to what breed and what measures to adapt to what region. What comes out of practice is suitable for you.

3. Diligent observation

Why did my flesh become an apprentice? Why has my meat melted? ... I believe that many friends have raised or heard such questions raised by others. Why? I don't know. Because there are many reasons for a certain result, simply asking why may not necessarily get an accurate answer. For example, if the meat has grown, it may be due to lack of light or too much watering. At this time, it is necessary to carefully observe their own succulent plants themselves and the surrounding environment in order to further analyze what causes the current problems.

4. Be diligent in analysis

The above mentioned diligent observation, then, after careful observation, it is necessary to analyze. Observe your own area, observe the temperature environment of your own area, observe the intensity and duration of the recent light, and then analyze whether you have watered too much recently, or whether the light is not enough, or whether the weather has been stuffy and ventilated recently. only after analyzing the specific reasons, can we find the corresponding measures.

5. Think diligently

After finding out the problem and taking measures, we should think about how to learn from the previous lessons and how to improve the environment, temperature, light, watering frequency and other factors in the future to make your succulent plants more adaptable to growth. try to avoid previous problems.

6. Accumulate diligently

Record all the experiences and lessons of the previous problems and measures taken, the results of the measures taken, and so on, in various ways, so that similar problems will not be at a loss as when rookies did at first, because, by this time, you are already an old hand.

7. Diligent communication

The communication at this time is no longer the initial Xiaobai style of simply asking why, but it is best to add some photos to the current environment, the recent practices taken against meat, and the current situation and problems of meat, so that others can put forward reasonable suggestions and methods based on sex.

8. Diligent in sharing

Share your experience selflessly, you are the legendary god!

The little exquisite life is arranged and released.