
Her husband always came home in the middle of the night until one day she pretended to be asleep and discovered an amazing secret.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chapter 1 the traversing of the old Chen family "the wife of the old Chen family should really soak in the pig cage and climb into the family's bed!" "that's it! Without looking at their own virtues, can the Yu family have a crush on her? " "it's really true that this old Chen family even picked her up. ...

Chapter 1 the traversing of trickery

"the wife of the old Chen family should have been soaked in a pig cage and climbed into the family's bed!"

"that's it! Without looking at their own virtues, can the Yu family have a crush on her? "

"this old Chen family even picked her up. It's really."

"isn't it for the children? Alas. "

In the wooden house of Lao Chen's family on the hill, a woman with pustules all over her face and a bloated body lay motionless on the bed.

A four-year-old boy stood by the bed with a bowl of water, feeding water to the woman on the bed.

The woman suddenly choked and coughed, more and more violently, and finally opened her eyes and looked at the strange environment around her, her eyes full of confusion.

"Mother!" The little boy was very happy.

Summer wheat coughed for a while before he regained his senses. When he looked at it, he found that there was a small steamed stuffed bun standing beside him. His face was so gray that he was so thin that he had few flesh on his face, but his eyes were very bright.

"who do you call your mother?" Summer wheat turned around hard and found that she was the only one in the room except steamed buns. When she moved this, she felt the meat on her neck get stuck in her movements.

What happened? Summer wheat raised his hand to touch his neck, but what caught his eye was a big, dirty, fat hand. This must be at least 130 jin of people's hands, right? Is this her? It's not a dream, is it?

Summer wheat hurriedly fished off the quilt, the lower body is more terrible, fat, bloated, but also can smell the stench of their own body.

Is this her? Summer wheat was surprised and hurriedly got up and wanted to go down to the field to look for the mirror. As soon as her legs weakened, she sat back on the bed.

Accidentally, my hand touched my hair. It was so greasy that I felt stiff when I touched it.

Oh, my God, what's going on? Is this her hair?

All of a sudden, the brain seemed to blow up, and the scenes flashed.

She was rolling on the bed in pain, and the information was quickly poured into her head. Only then did she realize that she had crossed the road. Her original master married an Orion and gave birth to a steamed stuffed bun. The reason is that when the landlord's son came home, he climbed into Yu's bed and wanted to sleep with his son, but he was thrown out. In the winter, he walked back in single clothes, lay in bed for two days, and froze to death.

What the hell? What kind of ghost is this original owner? How did she become such a person?

The little steamed stuffed bun hesitated when he saw that his mother was in so much pain.

He wanted to see what happened to his mother, but he was afraid that his mother would hit him.

Finally, unable to help it, he went to the front, timidly grabbed the summer wheat by the wrist and gently asked her, "Mother, you …"... Do you have a headache? "

Summer wheat is going to scold his mother in his heart, which is too foolish! Why is there such an excellent original owner?

"how can this woman be so shameless?" Summer wheat can not help scolding out.

The steamed stuffed bun was afraid and accidentally fell under the bed. He got up on the ground with short hands and feet and hurriedly shrank to the corner.

What's the matter with my mother? are you going to hit him?

Thinking of the previous scenes, the steamed stuffed bun huddled in fear.

Summer wheat then saw the steamed stuffed bun in the corner, only three or four years old, his hair was messy and his body was dirty. Most importantly, on such a cold day, he was only wearing a thin coat! Now I'm shivering.

She wanted to slap herself in the face, and summer wheat felt a little distressed at the thought of his abuse by her original owner.

"come to my mother."

Summer wheat tried to squeeze out a smile that she thought was kind, but she didn't know that the pustule and flesh on her face were squeezed together, which made her look even more terrible.

The steamed stuffed bun hesitated a little, but his mother didn't hit him and let him pass. "I won't hit you, come here, or the mother will be angry!"

Summer wheat knew what the steamed stuffed bun was thinking and said it on purpose.

The steamed stuffed bun was afraid of summer wheat and came over slowly. When he got to the bedside, summer wheat made way for him to climb onto the bed and cover him with a quilt.

The summer wheat accidentally touched the steamed stuffed bun's hand and found it was cold.

How on earth could this goddamn original owner be so ruthless to such a small steamed stuffed bun?

When I think of this, summer wheat wants to grind its teeth. If the original owner is here, she will kill the original owner!

The steamed stuffed bun was stupefied for a moment, and his mother unexpectedly let him lie in bed with her, so warm.

Chapter 2 scrubbing

As soon as the steamed stuffed bun sat down on the bed, his stomach growled, and he bowed his head sheepishly.

That small appearance, scratching summer wheat can't wait to hold him and give him a big kiss.

But the steamed stuffed bun is now dirty, and summer wheat really doesn't have the courage to talk. She also felt hungry and got up to go to the kitchen to make lunch.

The whole house was so dirty that summer wheat didn't want to touch it, but for her stomach, she opened the rice jar as she remembered. There is only one bottom left in the rice jar.

Summer wheat really wants to look up to the sky and sigh again! How can this family be so poor?

She was on the verge of crying, but finally she scraped all the rice out with bitterness, took it outside to find the water tank at the door, and washed the rice with water.

It was winter, snowflakes were still floating outside, and summer wheat was dragging its fat body, making it difficult to bend over.

She wondered how the original owner could eat like a pig in such a poor house.

Holding back a complaining heart, she scooped the water inside and out to wash the pot several times before washing the old dirt, so she put the rice into the pot and scooped a lot of water into it. It certainly won't work to cook with this kind of rice, so cook porridge.

While summer wheat was trying to light a fire with a flint under the stove, the steamed stuffed bun stood at the kitchen door, her big eyes fixed on her.

"come on, Gouzi, come here." Summer wheat said the name and disliked it very much. They all say that children in rural areas can only be fed by ugly names. These are really bad habits!

The steamed stuffed bun hesitated for a moment, then went over and crouched beside the summer wheat.

The summer wheat set the fire on fire, it warmed up slowly under the stove, and the lip color of the steamed stuffed bun was a little better, shivering with cold just now.

It was not easy to cook a pot of Rice Congee. After they were full, the summer wheat began to boil hot water and gave the steamed buns a hot bath to tender the powder he washed. This is a lovely steamed bun! Summer wheat couldn't help being beastly and gave a big kiss to the steamed stuffed bun.

The steamed stuffed bun shyly stepped back, but he was very happy: his mother kissed him.

"how lovely it is to be so clean from now on!" Summer wheat said, helped the steamed stuffed bun dry the water, took it to the bed and wrapped it tightly with a quilt.

"I just lost a little weight and had no meat on my body." Summer wheat is a little dissatisfied.

But when I thought that the rice jar was all rice, and the dinner had not yet arrived, my heart became heavy again.

The fire on the stove didn't go out, and hot water kept burning. When summer wheat brought hot water and wanted to wash his hair first, he was startled by his reflection in the water.

"so ugly?!"

Summer wheat almost splashed the water directly, but finally held back and looked carefully at the reflection in the water. There is nothing good about her face, it is full of acne, and some acne is growing again, and some are filling pus, so I don't want to take a second look at it.

In addition to acne, the face has more meat, has squeezed the facial features together, only squinting, even the nose can not see clearly.

"is this still a woman? Oh, my God, are you kidding me? "

Summer wheat was still grieving, itching on her body and head that she wanted to roll on the ground.

She could only get a large basin of water and soak her hair. Before she could rub it, the water in the basin had already turned black.

Summer wheat blackened his face and washed it with a change of water. Only when he reached the fourth basin of water did he feel that his hair had been washed clean.

The next bath was even more terrible. she boiled three large pots of water and put it in a big bucket, scrubbing the blackened meat little by little. seeing that the water in the bucket turned black, the summer wheat could only dry her body and put on a coat. I wasted a lot of effort to move the bucket outside.

The bucket was too heavy to carry the summer wheat, and the ground was slippery. As soon as her feet slipped, she was about to fall to the ground.

It's over, it's already ugly, but I still have the face to land on the ground!

Summer wheat thought sadly that she had not felt pain for a long time. When she was about to open her eyes, a mellow male voice rang in her ear: "Don't you stand up?"

Chapter 3 A flower on cow dung

Summer wheat opened her eyes and found herself hanging in the air, and she got up with her hands and feet.

Looking up, there was a handsome guy standing in front of him. Huge handsome guy!

It is not too much for him to use the adjective of sword eyebrow and long eye. His nose is high and his figure looks burly. He is 1.9 meters tall, isn't he? I don't know if I have any muscles. I want to squeeze it.

"now that you're awake, let me get this straight. I can't give you the life you want, and I won't stop you if you want to go. Forget about the landlord's house, you can find another family. "

The beautiful man frowned, his eyes were full of impatience, and his words were very impolite.

Summer wheat was stupefied. "what are you talking about?"

"I don't want to go to the landlord's house to intercede for you next time!"

The beautiful man walked away without looking back, with a dead pheasant and a dead rabbit in his hand.

Summer wheat brain flash, suddenly remembered, this seems to be the husband of the original owner! What's the name? Oh yes, Liu Xingchen!

"Tut-tut, what a waste. Such a beautiful man should be spoiled by such an original owner."

Summer wheat shook his head again and again and sighed for the beautiful man. How could he kiss the face of the original owner and even give birth to a child? he is really hungry for food.

Leaving such a beautiful man to seduce the son of some landlord, with this honor, who wants her?

However, this beautiful man doesn't seem to like his wife very much. it's freezing, so he won't kick her out, will he? No, no, no.

Summer wheat thought to himself, finally tried to get the water out of the bucket and spilled it. When he went to the kitchen to scoop water, he found that Liu Xingchen was plucking the pheasant.

When Liu Xingchen saw her come in, he didn't lift his eyelids and continued to do the work in his hand.

In the memory of summer wheat, Liu Xingchen was a hunter who usually played some game and occasionally took it to the town to sell it in exchange for food. In such a big winter, he can hit wild rabbits and chickens, which shows that it is very powerful.

"Liu Xingchen, what I did was wrong before, but after this I understand, let's have a good time this winter." Summer wheat squatted beside Liu Xingchen, looked at his movements and gave him a promise.

After all, it was so cold that if she went out and had no silver on her body, she would definitely freeze to death, and she didn't think she could make a second crossing. So I took the initiative to be nice. Besides, there are cute buns here and a handsome guy like Liu Xingchen, which is also very pleasing to the eye.

As for the future, when she earns enough money, she can go outside and find a suitable place to stay.

Liu Xingchen made a "um" sound, and the movement of his hands did not slow down at all.

Although he does not like his wife, but the dog needs to be taken care of, he runs outside every day, can not take the dog, can only endure.

Summer wheat did not know this, of course, but looking at the chicken in front of her, she immediately thought of delicious dishes. When I didn't have enough to eat at noon, I was already purring. She moved her fat body and leaned against Liu Xingchen.

"shall we have chicken tonight?"

Liu Xingchen coldly replied: "I will give the chicken to my parents, and we will keep the rabbit for ourselves."

The summer wheat said "Oh". Instead of saying any more, he got up, scooped up the hot water in the pot and left.

Liu Xingchen's hand movements, looking at her hard to move fat body, some doubt.

In the past, as long as he sent a little game to his parents, summer wheat would quarrel with him for days and nights, but why didn't he talk much this time? You don't seem to care at all?

Chapter 4 you eat meat here!

Since he came back just now, she doesn't seem to scold him as poor as before. Why does she seem to be a different person? is it his delusion?

The summer wheat at this end doesn't know what Liu Xingchen has in mind. She just took a bath in the middle of the bath, but she hasn't cleaned up yet.

After pouring the water into the bucket, she hurriedly dumped into the bucket.

It was such a cold day that she looked for a room and found that the original owner had only two sets of thin jackets! The steamed stuffed bun had only one suit of clothes, so she stuffed it into the quilt after washing it.

"on such a cold day, wearing only so few clothes, I can't believe I didn't freeze to death!"

The summer wheat is soaked in hot water and rubbed in the bath, which makes it feel much warmer.

When she finished washing and put on all her clothes, she felt cold in the twinkling of an eye.

When she went to the kitchen again, she found that Liu Xingchen was no longer in the kitchen.

Summer wheat did not care, took the rabbit in the kitchen, peeled it, and began to deal with it. It was so cold that she used hot water to clean the rabbits, the firewood in the stove never stopped, and the summer wheat kept adding water to the pot.

After the rabbit was cleaned, she found a kitchen knife, chopped the rabbit into small pieces, threw it into the pot and blanched the water, and removed all the blood.

I looked around the kitchen and found nothing but a few withered sweet potatoes and a little salt. I didn't even see any oil.

Summer wheat has no choice but to bake sweet potatoes in the stove, while rabbit meat can only be cooked over low heat with salt.

When Liu Xingchen entered the kitchen, he was stunned to see that summer wheat was cooking.

"what are you doing?"

"cook." The summer wheat answered casually and continued to add a piece of firewood to the stove eye.

Liu Xingchen frowned again, what on earth does this woman want to do?

"by the way, there is no food at home. Can we go and buy some food?" Summer wheat looked up at Liu Xingchen, his voice a little empty. After all, the hands are short and the mouths are short. She can only curl her tail now. After all, she eats and drinks other people's food. Just thinking about it, a man outside was shouting.

"Sister, how come you haven't given meat to your family for so many days? you can't even open the pot at home!"

A girl's voice came from outside the house. It was not loud, but it was very shrill.

No sooner had the voice finished than a girl came into the room.

Summer wheat looked at Lairen, a 14-or 15-year-old girl, but beautiful, neatly dressed, braided hair, a lovely young girl. Summer wheat searched in memory and found that the girl was Xia Lianhua, the sister of this body.

Lianhua did not expect that Liu Xingchen was already at home, paused for a moment, and finally turned to summer wheat: "didn't you say you were going to deliver meat to us these two days?" Why don't you send it back now? my mother has urged me to ask you! "

Summer wheat was stupefied, did the original master promise this?

At this time, the summer lotus had already smelled the fragrance of the rabbit in the pot. As soon as her eyes lit up, she ran over and opened the lid of the pot. When she saw the rabbit meat inside, she could not help but swallow.

"Sister, I can't believe you ignore us and eat meat here by yourself! The mother raised you for nothing! "

Xia Lianhua said, reaching out to get the rabbit meat.

She is such a sister, even if she is ugly, she will embarrass her family! Now he dared to eat meat behind their back. When he went back, he told his mother to come and clean her up.

Chapter 5 Don't get in the way here.

Seeing that the hand was about to get rabbit meat, summer wheat immediately gave a roar:

"stop it!"

This sound really scared the summer lotus, and hurriedly withdrew her hand, that is, the lid of the pot in the other hand was not held at once, and the hand shook and fell to the ground with a bang.

Liu Xingchen, who was next to her, was also stunned, not by the volume of summer wheat, but by her loud roar of summer lotus.

Usually when the summer lotus comes, the summer wheat can't wait to bring all the things in the family back to the summer lotus, but now let the summer lotus stop?

See summer wheat moving her bloated body, hurriedly ran to the summer lotus in front of, suddenly squatted down, the summer lotus was instantly top of the ass of summer wheat, the whole person was pushed back a meter away.

Summer wheat picked up the lid of the pot on the ground and hurriedly put it on the pot, which was a sigh of relief.

She finally had some rabbit meat to eat, but it wasn't cooked yet. it was a critical moment, and she couldn't spoil the rabbit meat.

Summer wheat is relaxed now, but the summer lotus behind her is angry.

He shouted at the top of his voice:

"Sister, what are you doing? I'm going to be pushed to the ground by you. Why did you cover that rabbit? why don't you bring it back to my mother to eat! "

With that, he glared at the summer wheat.

If it wasn't for the meat, she wouldn't want to look at her sister again!

At this time, Liu Xingchen came to his senses and hastened to take a look at the summer wheat. He was really worried that the summer wheat did not even care about the life or death of the dog and would give these things to the summer lotus.

The summer wheat moved his fat body and looked at the summer lotus in a twinkling of an eye.

"I can't do that! This is the only thing left in my house. I'll take it all for you. What shall we eat? The dog is still hungry! "

Liu Xingchen was suddenly stunned.

Does that really come from the mouth of summer wheat?

It was the summer lotus, but she was surprised. She usually came over to ask for something, but didn't the summer wheat hurry up for her? You won't give it today?

I was shocked and annoyed.

"Sister, do you know what you're talking about? My mother is hungry now. Don't you even care about her life or death? "

She doesn't believe it. Why don't you pack the rabbit meat for her this summer wheat?

When the summer lotus was full of confidence, she only heard the summer wheat say:

"Lotus, how can you curse our mother like that? I remember I brought you a lot of meat only two days ago. No matter what, we have to feed and drink our family, otherwise where are you going to get meat from now on? "

Summer wheat directly blocked the summer lotus flower with nothing to say, and the summer lotus flower immediately stared her eyes wide and looked unbelievable.

Is this still her fat, stupid, simple-minded, uncoordinated sister?

"Sister, do you know what you are saying?"

Summer wheat glanced at the rabbit in the pot, saw that it was about to be cooked, and said:

"all right, hurry back and don't get in the way here."

With that, the summer wheat moved his body to the fire.

The summer lotus touched the gray on her face at this time, and she was really angry and annoyed.

Hello, summer wheat! The wings are hard now, right? She will go back and tell her how to teach her a lesson.

Thinking of stomping his foot, he turned around and went out, and on the way he did not forget to stare at Liu Xingchen.

Liu Xingchen looked at the summer wheat with a shocked face at this time, where did he have time to see the summer lotus?

He never thought that summer wheat would maintain the family, but drove his sister away. When he thought about the past, he really could not believe that this man was really a dog's mother.

At this time, the rabbit meat in the pot had been stewed, and the summer wheat walked up to Liu Xingchen with the rabbit meat and smiled:

"here, take it to the house and eat with the dog. Don't get cold."