
It may be that these things are not done well. Let's see which ones they are.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many flower friends keep flowers for a long time, but they can't raise them well. In the final analysis, they don't really master the essentials of growing flowers. Now there are many ways to tell you that the light should be suitable, watering should not be dry or irrigated, fertilization should be thin and fertilizer should be applied frequently, but you know.

Many flower lovers have been raising flowers for a long time, but they can't raise them well. In the final analysis, they don't really master the essentials of growing flowers. Now there are many ways to tell you that the light should be appropriate, that watering should not be dry or irrigated, fertilization should be thin and fertilizer should be applied frequently, and so on, but do you know? What kind of light is the most suitable? What is the best way to water it? How to apply fertilizer not only not to burn the root but also to make the flowers grow? In fact, the reason why you can't raise flowers well is that you have done something wrong, so let's learn about the correct maintenance methods of growing flowers today.

1. Watering at will. Watering is the most important point in flower cultivation, and we should not be careless at all. However, many novice flower growers are very casual about watering. Whenever they think of it, they will water it, but if they can't think of it, they will not water it. Some flower lovers may love flowers too much and water them every day without looking at the weather and time. Finally, flowers get sick and grow worse and worse. Watering flowers is like drinking water. People can drink water only when they are thirsty, and plants can only be watered when they need water. Therefore, watering flowers need to wait until the pot soil is dry, but it is not suitable to water at noon in hot summer weather. Watering should be carried out in the morning or evening.

2. Fertilize freely. Fertilizer is related to whether flowers can grow vigorously, but many novice flower growers are a little too casual about fertilizing. No plant can be fertilized indiscriminately. If you only apply fertilizer casually according to your own will, the flowers will not only grow badly, but also easily stop their growth, the leaves will dry up, and the serious ones will die. Therefore, fertilizing the flower needs to be based on the growth of the plant. Give it whatever fertilizer it needs and fill it with whatever it lacks. Only in this way can flowers grow more prosperous. In general, spring is the best time to fertilize flowers, as spring flowers have entered a vigorous growth stage, fertilization can make branches and leaves green, and grow fast, mainly nitrogen fertilizer at this time. However, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be used one month before flowering to promote bud gestation. In winter, most flowers have entered dormancy or semi-dormancy, should stop using any fertilizer, the summer temperature is high, improper fertilization is the most likely to hurt flowers. Therefore, it is most suitable to apply fertilizer in spring and autumn in a year. When fertilizing, it should be applied along the edge of the basin and should not be in direct contact with the root system. Use as little as possible, not too much.

3, move at will. If flowers grow in one place for a long time, it will be applicable to the environment here. If you move around frequently, put this place today and change to another place two days later, it breaks its growth law and makes the flowers restless. How can flowers grow well? Therefore, do not move flowers, should create a quiet, moist, suitable temperature, good ventilation, bright light growth environment, then it will naturally grow well.