
Gardenia is easy to grow and understand that thousands of gardenia can blossom and grow into trees in the cold north.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many friends say that gardenia is very difficult to raise. In fact, as long as we understand the habits of gardenia, even in the north, we can still turn gardenia into trees. What problems should we pay attention to in the process of conservation? 1. The soil should be loose.

Many friends say that gardenia is very difficult to raise. In fact, as long as we understand the habits of gardenia, even in the north, we can still turn gardenia into trees.

What problems should we pay attention to in the process of maintenance?

1. The soil should be loose and ventilated, and the roots should be cultivated well.

First of all, the soil must be loose and ventilated, so that the roots can be cultivated well. For example, the gardenia we just bought are all hard yellow soil. This soil must be replaced. It is best to wait until it blossoms. It must be planted with loose and breathable soil. It can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, large-grained river sand, garden soil, peat soil, perlite and vermiculite, and then add 10% pine needle. Ensure that the soil is slightly acidic.

In the suitable soil, the root of gardenia will grow well, deep and open, and the plant will be strong.

2. don't be short of water.

Gardenia is fond of water, so watering must be adequate. When you see that the surface of the basin soil is dry, water it through directly. Don't let gardenia be short of water, wilt easily and drop buds.

3. don't get too much light.

Give gardenia three or four hours of light every day, not strong light, should be placed in a well-ventilated place, long-term unventilated, easy to breed bacteria, resulting in black tip of leaves, rotten leaves, wilt, this is leaf blight

4. Fertilizing should be thin and diligent.

Gardenia also grows faster, applying multi-element fertilizer once or twice a month, thin fertilizer and frequent application, so that the root system always feel fertilizer, but not too thick, such fertilizer is conducive to the growth of gardenia.

5. Ferrous sulfate is applied once a month

Because gardenia likes acidic soil, it is necessary to replenish ferrous sulfate regularly, not more than 1 / 1 / 1000, spray or root irrigation, once a month or two, to prevent iron deficiency in yellow leaves.

To meet these conditions, even if you are in the north, you can grow gardenia into a tree. This is a gardenia tree raised in your hometown. It has been three meters high for more than ten years. It blossoms thousands of flowers every year, and the garden is full of gardenia flowers. It has a special sense of achievement.

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