
Talking about sowing experience in the ordinary 7 years of raising succulent plants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Follow the encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [Seven Nights grotesque] original contribution sharing contribution date: 2018-04-18 Editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

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Thank the author [Seven Nights grotesque] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: 2018-04-18

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province

Time flies, since the sophomore came into contact with the first succulent white peony, it has been out of control. It's been seven years like this. At that time, succulent plants were as expensive as sky-high prices. So he threw himself into the sowing army, and the seeds on x were basically sown all over.

I contributed to the encyclopedia for the first time. I don't know what to write. Just write some sowing experience in the past few years.

First to enjoy a few sowing with big meat, intermittent years of seedlings grow up, all shared out, because I prefer the feeling of sowing!

Snow lotus, 58 yuan bought 50 seeds that year, amazing full life!

Brittany Snow Mountain, especially like the Fairy Cup, expensive, let's sow!

I bought this, and I took a fancy to it at first sight.

Royal sword!

All right, here we go!

Sowing is a very interesting thing. If you want to succeed, people always talk about temperature, humidity, and sowing soil. Seeds are really the most important! So it's important to avoid seed sources in some places!

Let's take the thumb Fairy Cup as an example.

Ten thumbs were sown on March 16, 2018, and one of them was not full when he came back. Sure enough, nine thumbs were sent out.

The early soil should be sterilized and pure peat. My family is in Taiyuan, the balcony temperature is 10 to 25 ℃, which is very conducive to germination, large temperature difference, neat emergence, after my experience, sowing conditions are suitable. The seeds begin to germinate in one day and come out in three days. Here, I would like to talk about my balcony sowing experience: when sprouting, wrap the nursery box with black cloth to keep out of the sun. There is time on this picture, sprouting for three days, the first week begins!

When the seeds germinate, keep the soil moist, do not accumulate water, just see the soil wet with the naked eye, and let the seeds fully absorb water. This picture is the beginning of the second week. After the seeds germinate, the lid can be removed, but to keep the soil moist, the seedlings are still weak at this time. Scattered light is OK, compared to the last picture, what is called, that is, the leaves that are not real leaves, begin to grow. At this time, the temperature in my house is still relatively cool and kept in the range of 10 to 25 ℃. After a week of refreshing, the real leaves are about to grow in the third week!

April 4, the true leaves have grown, at this time, although the seedlings are still relatively weak, but much better than a few weeks ago, this time you can bask in the sun through the glass, but it is very important that the sun is hot at noon, so try not to bask in it. I put it directly on the bottom of the flower shelf in order to save trouble. The main point of conservation at this time is: keep the soil wet, do not moist, do not accumulate water, you can wait for the soil to dry a little bit to stimulate the seedlings, and then soak the basin, he will begin to accelerate growth, do not apply fertilizer at this time!

April 17, I am relatively lazy, not on time to take pictures, at this time the seedlings are easier to take, at this time, you can put on a little bit of water-soluble fertilizer, a little bit, ah, to keep the soil wet, the most important thing is not to move seedlings cheap! Wait until it is full of nursery pots before moving the seedlings!

Well, sowing is actually very simple, the most important thing is that it is cheap, you can get a lot of seedlings at one time, watching them grow up day by day, it is also fun, you might as well try it.

Finally, let's end with a few of my own. By the way, I am also a fanatic who makes flowerpots. For this reason, I specially opened a ceramic art hall, in order to realize my dream of making flowerpots.

Recently become infatuated with thumb basin


This article has been exclusively authorized by the author on the official account of Wechat: ID:duoroubaike, and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the official account.

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