
A few simple moves to solve the gardenia yellow leaf problem teach you to easily raise gardenia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xiao Qi teaches you how to raise flowers and gardenias. What is the reason why flowers turn yellow? If gardenia flowers turn yellow after flowering, this is because his single flower flowering is coming to an end. Gardenia flowers bloom in three to five days. Nutrients are not...

Xiao Qi

Teach you how to grow flowers by hand

What is the reason why gardenia turns yellow? If the gardenia turns yellow after it blossoms, it is because its single flowering period is coming to an end. The flowering period of Gardenia jasminoides is three to five days. In the case of insufficient nutrients, it is normal to turn yellow and fall off after only one day. And its leaves may appear yellowing in the following situations. Xiao Qi simply said that if you encounter it, you can effectively prevent it.

1. Lack of fat yellow leaves

One situation is that gardenia is yellowing due to lack of fertilizer, that is, the leaves are yellowing caused by the lack of multi-elements, which mainly shows that the old leaves begin to yellowing and gradually spread upward, resulting in all the leaves of the whole plant falling off. Replenish him with fertilizer in time if you find it. It can be relieved effectively.

2. Iron deficiency yellow leaves

Because gardenia is a southern flower, there must be a certain amount of acid in its soil. After the lack of acid, it will easily cause his yellow leaf, iron deficiency yellow leaf is what we call gardenia yellowing disease. This kind of yellow leaves gradually spread from the old leaves to the new ones. The early performance is that the leaf veins are green. The whole leaf yellowed, which eventually led to the yellowing of all the leaves, the veins of the leaves were yellow or even white, and finally the leaves dried up and spread to the whole plant.

If you find it early in the early stage, give him ferrous sulfate in time, spray some ferrous sulfate every month, spray or irrigate root. It can be relieved effectively. Severe yellowing in the later stage can only be restored by pruning the branches and then changing the soil for it to slowly sprout. Can be completely cured.

3. Yellow leaves without water

And if the basin soil is short of water for a long time. Its leaves wilt, after more times, its bottom leaves will turn yellow, which is caused by lack of water. There is also lack of light is also easy to cause its yellow leaves, the leaves are dim in the early stage, yellowing gradually in the later stage, and even the whole leaf falls.

Generally speaking, gardenia yellow leaves, there are only a few cases, if you encounter, know in advance, can effectively prevent and control.

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