
Can you enjoy flowers and drink scented tea? I choose peonies covered with treasures.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Song of Peony & nbsp; Jiang Dawei & nbsp; 0000UB02 Velcro 11.

The Song of Peony

Jiang Dawei

Jiang Dawei


During spring and summer, it is very suitable to raise a pot of peonies at home! There are many varieties of peony flowers, beautiful shape, elegant, known as "national color Tianxiang, the king of flowers" reputation, is a traditional famous flower in China.

There are many varieties of peony. If you grow them at home, you should choose varieties that are short, adaptable, easy to cultivate and easy to blossom. The flowering rate of each variety is different when potted, with only 19% as low as 19% and 100% as high. The varieties suitable for pot cultivation are Zhao Fan, Luoyang Hong, Hu Hong, Lantian Yu, Azure Dragon lying in the ink pool, Chicken claw Red, Beauty Red, Luo Hanhong, Ziyu and so on.

The maintenance of peony flowers should pay attention to the following problems:

First: watering should not be inadequate or overworked. If you die less, you will soak your roots.

Immediately after the basin should be watered once, and then closely observe the soil moisture, adjust the humidity of the basin soil, watering a few days before flowering, watering once in L2 days in the bud period, watering in summer when it is cool in the morning, and often spraying the foliar surface in the early morning or evening to cool down, and watering less in autumn to prevent the secondary buds from developing prematurely and affecting flowering in the coming year. In short, peony watering should be moderate, more rotten roots, less withered, but less watering is appropriate for beginners.

Second, pay attention to the prevention and control of insect pests and bacterial infections

In summer, when it rains more than high temperature, peony is vulnerable to leaf spot disease. Bordeaux solution can be sprayed once a month in advance, and peony can be controlled with 1000 times liquid dichlorvos because its roots are sweet and vulnerable to ants.

Third, pay attention to maintaining ventilation and ventilation.

Good ventilation environment can ensure the photosynthesis and respiration of peony flowers, which is a very important factor for plant growth!

Fourth, there should be plenty of sunshine, but no exposure.

Peony flowers can not be exposed to the sun, with the gradual increase in temperature, we should pay attention to the sunshade of flowers during the high temperature period at noon.

Fifth: strict management of fertilizer use

It is recommended to use organic liquid fertilizer, which has uniform nutrients, promotes rooting and flowering, and can also kill bacteria and insects. It is recommended to apply sesame paste residue or bean cake after soaking in water fermentation, adding water when fertilizing, applying fertilizer and water once a week before flowering, mainly nourishing leaves and applying thin fertilizer after blossom.

Just now I mentioned that the peony is full of treasures, it is naturally because its petals can be made into delicious scented tea!

We can pick the peonies, wash them, dry them in the sun, and dry them completely in the dryer after the surface water evaporates. Make sure they are completely dehydrated, otherwise, it will soon become moldy. Put the treated peonies in a glass bottle and brew them with boiling water when drinking. In addition, the stamens of peony flowers can also be used to make scented tea alone, and it has the effects of beauty and immunity. The production method is similar to that of peony flowers, and the most important thing is to remove the moisture from it.

Everything is wonderful, there is a praise mall in the flower school.

There are flowers and love, a school of flowers