
Facing the sea, spring flowers blooming and succulent is the most beautiful expectation of my life.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Follow the encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [since Qin Xizi] original contribution sharing contribution date: 2018-04-17 Editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Yibin City, Sichuan Province.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

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Thank the author [since Qin Xizi] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: 2018-04-17

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Yibin City, Sichuan Province

The most beautiful expectation

The most beautiful expectation

Zhou Bichang


In the ancient city of Lijiang, when I saw the colorful cute meat in the inn, I thought it was incredible, the color was too beautiful! There is meat everywhere in the basin, in the ground and on the eaves! How can a little succulent be so beautiful? Back to Taobao Baidu search, meat has been civilian price, immediately fell into the meat pit, unable to extricate themselves. The next step is to buy! Pots, dirt, meat, infinite cycle! How can not buy enough, with the meat poor soil, with the soil difference basin, it is simply the rhythm of poisoning.

Every day, except for work, all the time is spent on meat, and the craziest one has ever tried to turn the soil and change pots at once for seven hours! From six o'clock in the afternoon to 01:30 in the morning, my husband asked me if I was tired. I replied: tired! But, tired and happy! Any trouble drifted away with the wind after seeing the flesh, and there were five words floating across the sky: that's not a thing!

I have no villa rooftop, no sunshine room, no big garden, and all I raise is general goods, and all I have is a meat-loving heart! Carry more than a hundred pots of meat to find the sun! Hide from the sun! But always enjoy it! I always believe: facing the sea, it must be spring blossoms! As long as you show enough sincerity and patience to wait, it will certainly live up to time and beauty to show you. All right, don't say much, the writing is not good, the code word is hard, everyone will see, start with a fiery red fire sacrifice, I hope everyone can be prosperous all the year round!

Life is never plain and strange, just like the most popular Chihuahua, ordinary but also shines with its unparalleled beauty! The dewdrop in late autumn is its best cosmetics, red pointed and beautiful!

I have no resistance to Tia! Ordinary Tia, Flame Tia into countless, love that touch of red.

Ruby is also the representative of crassulaceae, cheap breeding, but also good to spend the summer, in the temperature difference in the season is a lot of red gems, but also super cub-loving guy.

It's still red. Yeah, I love the fiery red color. Red berries, crystal clear, look at it and want to bite down, the juice must be very sweet, forgive me and exposed the nature of foodie!

Purple music, a variety that will never let you down, is beautiful purple all the year round, especially in winter!

Or Chihuahua, I love you endlessly!

It's also a Chihuahua. You haven't seen enough, right? it's really beautiful! Chihuahua, peach, Lindsay, silly can not tell, just as I have one, anyway, the beauty is the same, !

Sunset dance, is also a super favorite variety, when the whole balcony is green, it still stands quietly in purple, to see if it is more delicate and beautiful under the morning dew!

first love! The variety that you want to have as soon as you hear the name, after all, who hasn't? Of course, what I like more is its appearance!

The first sentence many friends said when they saw this picture was, isn't this the sitting lotus of Guanyin? Flashing golden light! Bring your own halo! casts a thousand beams! All the compliments are for you.

Tia, although ordinary, but with the state is still beautiful!

Yan Rihui, from the gift, I'll give you the color right away. A very tenacious guy with special vitality!

Giant baby Chihuahua, some people say it is Lindsay, do not want to distinguish between varieties, anyway, are heart meat! Love just as much!

Silly big Orion, burst a circle of cubs, super-born guerrilla captain must be it!

Water lotus, it seems that it has not been raised in a state, all the year round so semi-red not green, is also easy to raise! It feels like everything I like is super vitality!

Small Jasper White Peony, planted in a small basin alone.

Cartoon Tom, chubby and round is very cute! The pink little face is very red!

White Beauty, this is the beauty of the Tang Dynasty, it is also round, at a glance, it is the same level as Yang Guifei.

Still flaming Tia, it faded in the rain, but it was still conspicuous in the sunny green grass!

Alan, a general merchandise comparable to peach eggs, some experts said it was a water pile, no matter what, as long as it can always be so beautiful. Is also a small expert, especially the decapitation of the stake, burst six heads, pink tender, so cute!

I also like the mage department, slowly collect varieties, this is Halloween! Spring to some colors, looking forward to the arrival of summer, will be beautiful stunning!


This one always can't remember the name, purple cashmere? Copper pot? It doesn't seem to be either. It should be ou Zi!

Green cashmere, not green, the color is very beautiful!

The one who can't remember the name, it looks good anyway!

Tricolor pansy, so far only see green!

One of the three Immortals of thin leaves, is also a big girl, back and forth dew raise, room raise! The color is dirty and not so immortal, so put on makeup on it another day!

Group chicks, good-looking online, cheer for you! Casually matching a vegetarian baking basin is also very outstanding!

Is the Smurf a blue apple, too? Is the dewdrop on the red tip connected to your heart?

Orange Monroe, still in the basin, has seen the Great God's Orange Monroe, beautiful out of the sky, I hope I can also raise it to shine!

Pink beauty, compared with the flamboyant red of the fire sacrifice, this little cutie is much more beautiful and refined!

Since falling in love with succulent plants and getting to know many meat friends from all over the world, we have gained a lot from discussing the experience of growing meat and sharing pictures of delicious meat. Here, I would also like to thank Sister Qing, the great god of the Shanxi balcony party, for her selfless sharing, which taught me many kinds of meat skills, reduced many detours, and liked Sister Qing!

Succulent, has always been my most beautiful expectation!


This article has been exclusively authorized by the author on the official account of Wechat: ID:duoroubaike, and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the official account.

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