
It only takes three simple tips to make your orchids burst year after year.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchids are famous flowers of all ages, but many people always think that orchids are not easy to raise, but in fact, I think orchids are easy to maintain, just like other plants, as long as you master its habits and growth rules.

Orchids are famous flowers of all ages, and everyone knows it, but many people always think that orchids are not easy to raise. In fact, I think orchids are easy to maintain. Like other plants, as long as you master its habits and growth rules, it is not difficult to raise orchids at all. The difficulty is that you do not really understand it. Any plant needs to meet certain conditions to blossom, and orchids are no exception. If your orchids bloom little or no, you can refer to the following methods to make your orchids burst every year.

1. The root system of orchid belongs to fleshy root, which contains more water and requires less water in its growth. since ancient times, there has been a method of "dry roots and wet leaves". In my long-term practice, this sentence has a certain degree of truth. One of the only ways to make orchids blossom more often is to control water at the right time. Water control means less watering, because the bud of orchids depends on the nutrition supply of the roots, and only by making the roots exuberant and nutritious, can buds be formed. Practice has proved that letting the material dry a little in a short time during the budding period can promote more sprouting and more pregnant buds. However, it is not necessary to control water throughout the growing season. Orchids begin to control water a month before flowering, with eight percent dry and two minutes wet is the best. Keep the inner surface of the orchid basin in a dry state, but it can not be dry thoroughly. When it is found to be dry, it also needs to be watered thoroughly, but less than usual. After blooming, there is no need to control the water, according to the normal to keep the material moist without stagnant water. Due to the wide variety of orchids, the flowering period is not fixed, everyone can appropriately adjust the water control time according to the flowering period of the orchids.

2. Another condition for orchids to blossom is temperature. Orchids need a large temperature difference between day and night during bud gestation. If the temperature difference between day and night of orchids cultivated indoors is relatively balanced, it is not conducive to bud gestation. It is necessary to give a certain temperature difference from pre-bud to bud period of orchid, which requires that the temperature should be 28 degrees in daytime and 16 degrees at night, which is beneficial to the budding of orchids. If the orchid cultivated on the balcony is exposed to high sunlight during the day, the window can be opened at night to make the outdoor air flow into the balcony and reduce the temperature, which forms the temperature difference between day and night, which is of great benefit to the orchid flowering, except in winter.

3, nutrient is one of the conditions to promote flowering, therefore, orchid lack of fertilizer will not bud and blossom, but orchids like very light fertilizer, thick fertilizer is disadvantageous to it. Therefore, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be properly used to promote the gestation of buds before blooming. The method is to add about 1 gram of potassium dihydrogen phosphate to 1000 grams of water, and then put it for 24 hours to water the orchid, once every 10 days, three times in a row, to achieve the purpose of pregnant buds and blossoms, but when watering, you must not pour it into the heart of the flowers to prevent a broken heart. It should be poured along the edge of the basin and watered again the next day.