
This kind of plant has many advantages. It's too easy to raise. You have to prepare the pot.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Peppermint, some people call it "fish coriander", this kind of green plant is very common in southern China, mostly born in mountains, wetlands and rivers, roots underground; more than 2000 meters above sea level, can also grow at an altitude of more than 3000 meters.

Peppermint, some people call it "fish parsley", this kind of green plant is very common in southern China, mostly born in mountains, wetlands and rivers, roots growing underground; mostly born at an altitude of 2000 meters, but also can grow at an altitude of more than 3000 meters, is the most common in Guizhou, is a crop of special economic value. Peppermint is a kind of plant with many functions, which is relatively easy to raise and has many functions, so it is especially suitable for potted plants. Do you know what they call "peppermint" for?

1. Mint potted as seasoning

Peppermint can give off a special fragrance, which smells like "fish", so it is also called "houttuynia cordata". Businesses in Jiangnan usually add an appropriate amount of mint as seasoning when cooking dishes related to fish. immerse people in the unique smell of mint.

Potted peppermint tea

Grow mint can use leaves to make tea, usually with peppermint instead of tea, clear heart and clear eyes. Friends can try to make a cup of mint tea. In China, the production of peppermint is mainly in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, followed by Guizhou.

Third, potted mint repels mosquitoes

The smell of mint has a mosquito repellent effect. If you are bitten by mosquitoes, you can also pick some mint leaves and rub them to reduce the swelling. For example, if you have a toothache and get angry, you can pick your own mint leaves to chew.

IV. Peppermint planting

Peppermint is indeed a plant with many advantages. Speaking of which, many flower lovers may want to get one to plant, right? However, don't fall casually if you don't know enough about it. Because its reproductive ability is simply too scary, the root system is very developed. Peppermint has a strong ability to adapt to environmental conditions, moisture tolerance, shade tolerance, like the sun; as long as you get a small surviving root system, if you insist on watering, you will see the tender leaves of mint in two weeks, and it will grow into a luxuriant mint in about two months!

The mint planted in the flowerpot can not be stopped from growing. Unless it is not watered and dried to death, it will grow crazily and be highly adaptable. Therefore, it is necessary to give it a large basin, especially the higher the temperature, the faster mint grows, especially in summer, if you ignore it, it can grow very tall.

If you wait for the root system of peppermint to be covered with flowerpots, it will be very difficult to remove it. At this time, you should have cut off all the mint leaves exposed outside, otherwise the underground roots will sprout again soon, and the more they grow, the more they will grow. So friends who always say they can't raise live plants can try raising mint, which will definitely make you feel fulfilled.

Mint usually blossoms after autumn, so remember to cut it off at this time, because the smell of peppermint is easy to attract bugs. At that time, all kinds of inexplicable bugs will gather around the flowers, which will affect the viewing interest. Do you feel the increase in knowledge?

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