
How to raise white palm

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, White palm should choose loose, ventilated and drained soil, keep the soil slightly moist, fertilize once a month, do not use raw fertilizer, and give it sufficient sunlight. Reproduction can be done by sowing and ramet, and attention should be paid to the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests.

I. Culture environment

1. Soil: the soil with loose, aerated and good drainage should be chosen.

2. Watering: keep the soil slightly moist in summer or dry weather, increase watering appropriately, spray water on leaves or around properly, maintain a certain degree of humidity; reduce watering appropriately in winter or low temperature, if the amount of watering is large, it will lead to rotting roots.

3. Fertilization: fertilize once a month, you can use thick fertilizer, do not use raw fertilizer. When fertilizing, the soil can be loosened properly, which can promote it to better absorb nutrients, and the right amount of water should be watered the second day of fertilization. In addition, when the temperature is high or low, it grows slowly, so we should stop fertilizing.

4. Light: an appropriate amount of light is more conducive to its growth, and giving it all-day light in spring, autumn and winter can help it grow better. Avoid direct sunlight when the summer temperature is high, and block the sun appropriately.

II. Methods of reproduction

1. Sowing and reproduction: first, disinfect the soil, soak the seeds in warm water for 10 hours and then dry them. After sowing, cover the soil with a thin layer of soil to keep the soil moist. It will sprout about 25 days after sowing. When the seedlings grow 1-2 true leaves, they can be planted in pots.

2. Ramet propagation: it is most suitable for ramet propagation in spring and autumn. After the whole plant is removed, the rhizome is cut and planted separately, and it is placed in a semi-shady environment. After the split, the soil should be often loosened to maintain the permeability of the soil.

III. Common diseases and insect pests

1. Root rot: it will cause brown spots on the leaves or stems when the disease occurs, and in serious cases, it will lead to leaf fall or even death. in order to avoid interfering with more plants, the diseased plants and dead leaves should be removed in time after discovery, and the rotten parts should be removed. You can use the root rot spirit to fill the root easily.

2. Aphids: it will cause the stems and leaves to become curly. When aphids are found, they should be sprayed with chemicals in time. When there are few insect pests, bamboo chips can be used to scrape them clean.