
How to raise turtles and bamboos

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, It is best to use loose and well-drained soil to raise turtle back bamboo. It likes astigmatism and cannot be exposed to strong direct sunlight. To give it a growth environment of about 20-25 ℃, water it appropriately, not too much. Reproduction can be done by sowing and cutting, and spraying with chemicals in time after discovering diseases and insect pests.

I. Culture environment

1. Soil: tortoise back bamboo likes loose and well-drained soil, which can be tempered by garden soil, rotten leaf soil and river sand.

2. Illumination: it likes astigmatism and cannot be directed by strong sunlight. If the light is too strong, it will burn the leaves, and if the light is not enough, the color of the leaves will fade; it is best to put it in the position of the north window in summer, and you need enough sunlight in winter, preferably in the position of the south window.

3. Temperature: the temperature suitable for the growth of tortoise back bamboo is 20-25 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter can not be lower than 5 ℃. If the temperature angle will cause, the leaves will turn yellow. If the indoor temperature is low, take some appropriate measures to keep warm.

4, moisture: tortoise back bamboo likes a humid environment, it is best to spray water on or around the leaves frequently in summer, which can make the leaves more colorful; you can't water them often in winter, otherwise there will be black spots or even rot.

II. Methods of reproduction

1, sowing and reproduction: collect the seeds, soak the fuller seeds in warm water for about 10 hours, disinfect the soil in advance, control the temperature of the seeds at 20-25 ℃ after sowing, cover with a thin film to moisturize, it will sprout in about a month, and after growing leaflets, you can plant them in pots.

2. Cuttage propagation: select healthy lateral branches with a length of 20-25 cm, leave the upper leaflets, and then cut the branches into the soil and control the temperature at 25-27 ℃. It will take root in about a month.

III. Common diseases and insect pests

Its common diseases and pests are gray leaf spot and shell insects, which can be sprayed with omethoate emulsion. after discovery, pests should be removed in time, diseased leaves should be cut off, and topiramate can be sprayed.