
How to raise yew

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Taxus chinensis can be cultivated with slightly acidic soil that is fertile and loose, water and fertilizer can be preserved, and the soil should be watered appropriately to ensure that the soil is slightly moist. Fertilize it with rotten cake fertilizer and water, and be careful not to let it be exposed to strong light. Reproduction can be done by sowing and cutting. in addition, common diseases and insect pests should be prevented, and treatment measures should be taken in time once found.

I. Culture environment

1. Soil: slightly acidic soil that is fertile and loose, water and fertilizer can be preserved.

2. Watering: water every 2-3 days in spring, every morning and evening in summer, 3-4 days in autumn, and 15-20 days in winter; spray water around the room when the temperature is high in summer, so as to improve the humidity in the air. Look at the wettability of the soil before watering. If the soil is moist, you don't need to water it. If the soil is dry, water it appropriately.

3. Fertilization: to apply rotten cake fertilizer and water, an appropriate amount of base fertilizer can be applied from September to October, compound fertilizer can be applied in early spring, and rotten solid organic fertilizer should be applied at the bottom of the flowerpot every year when changing pots.

4. Lighting: Taxus can not accept strong light exposure, shading measures should be taken appropriately in places with strong sunshine.

II. Methods of reproduction

1. Sowing and reproduction: store the seeds for a period of time before sowing. First put the sterilized seeds in the soil, then cover with wet sand, and then cover with soil about 8 cm thick, avoid strong light during the seedling period, and leave the bed for 2 years for transplanting.

2. Cuttage propagation: plant the selected cuttings into the cutting soil and cover them with thin film to avoid strong sunlight. Spray an appropriate amount of water every day and give it a growth environment of 20-30 ℃. It will take root in about a month, and the seedlings can be transplanted after they grow roots.

III. Common diseases and insect pests

1, common diseases: White silk disease, stem rot and so on are the most serious. Spray fungicides in time after the disease, at the same time, reduce the temperature of the soil, avoid burning the roots, and clean up the diseased leaves in time to avoid secondary infection.

2. Common insect pests: aphids, shell insects, etc., will endanger its normal growth, can properly nourish the natural enemies of aphids, effectively prevent the emergence of aphids, and can also be sprayed to kill aphids.