
How to grow lilies

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Breeding lilies should use sandy soil with good drainage and rich humus, give it a growth environment of 16-24 ℃ and sufficient light, and keep the basin soil moist. Propagation can be done by sowing and cutting. in addition, we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases.

I. Culture environment

1. Soil: cultivated lily is suitable for sandy soil with good drainage and rich humus, and it is best to choose acidic soil, which is beneficial to its better growth.

2. Temperature: it is best to control the temperature at 16-24 ℃. If it is lower than 5 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃, it will stop growing.

3, lighting: lilies like sufficient sunlight, if the light time is short, it will affect the differentiation of flower buds, but also affect the normal growth of flowers, it is best to put it in a sunny place.

4. Watering: to keep the flower soil moist, you can water the soil in the morning and evening in summer and autumn. Before watering in spring and winter, you should look at the wettability of the soil. If the soil is dry, water should be properly watered. When the temperature is high, spray water around appropriately to reduce the temperature.

II. Methods of reproduction

1. Sowing and reproduction: the seeds are collected and stored, and the seeds will be sown in the next spring, and they will germinate about 20-30 days after sowing. Shade should be given to them in the seedling period, and they can be planted separately in autumn.

2. Cuttage propagation: after digging out the bulb, break the scale off, wait for it to dry, cut it in the prepared soil, pour some water, and it will take root in about a month and a half.

Third, common diseases

1. Spot disease: there will be brown spots on the leaves, which will also make the whole leaves black and withered. When found, the diseased leaves should be removed immediately and sprayed with Dyson zinc wettable powder.

2. Bulb rot: a brown spot appears in its bulb, and when it is serious, it will become rotten. After the disease, it can be sprayed with Dysen zinc.