
How to raise jasmine

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The cultivation of jasmine requires loose and breathable soil, which should be watered appropriately at ordinary times. During the formation of flower buds, there must be no lack of fertilizer, and sufficient light should be given to it. Propagation can be done by cutting and striping, as well as preventing common diseases and insect pests.

I. Culture environment

1. Soil: it is best to use loose and breathable soil to raise jasmine.

2, watering: usually appropriate amount of watering, too much watering leaves will turn yellow, poor soil ventilation will lead to rotten roots, if too much water, put the flowerpot in a cool place, loosen the soil properly. To control the amount of water in winter, the basin soil can be kept slightly moist and watered once every 5-7 days.

3. Fertilization: the flowering period of jasmine is relatively long, so the amount of fertilizer needed will increase, especially during the formation of flower buds, but excessive fertilization will probably rot the root, and do not apply fertilizer when the soil is too dry or too wet.

4. Light: jasmine can grow better if there is enough sunlight. If it is in a shady environment for a long time, it will not blossom because of insufficient light. At this time, it should be placed in a sunny place, and more phosphate and potassium fertilizer should be applied. And control the amount of water will blossom.

II. Methods of reproduction

1. Cutting propagation: select the mother plant for 2-4 years to cut the upper healthy branches into about 10 cm, remove the lower leaves, leave 2-4 pairs of buds for each branch, pour water into the seedbed, cover it with thin film, increase the air humidity, and transplant in about 40 days.

2. Striping propagation: cut the healthy branch up to 15 cm long, press it into the soil and cover it with about 5 cm of soil. If you want to water the strip after pressing, it will take root in a month or so, and it can be transplanted in about two months.

III. Common diseases and insect pests

1. White silk disease: clean the diseased plant after discovery, strengthen maintenance at ordinary times, reduce the infection of the disease source, and spray chlorothalonil powder when the disease is serious.

2. Cinnabar spider mite: it will cause the leaves to turn yellow or even fall off. When it appears, it can be sprayed with trichloropropanol EC. Spray for 7 days, about 2-3 times will have obvious effect.