
How to raise the lotus

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The lotus should be properly watered, reasonable drainage measures should be taken in the rainy season, fertilizer should be applied once every 15-20 days, and the amount of fertilizer should not be too large. Give it at least 4 hours of light every day. Reproduction can be done by sowing or dividing lotus roots, and attention should be paid to the prevention and control of common diseases.

I. Culture environment

1. Watering: the summer temperature is higher, and it is the peak period of its growth, so the demand for water will also increase, so it can not be dehydrated in summer. In the rainy season, it should be noted that stagnant water cannot pass through the standing leaves, and reasonable drainage measures should be taken in time.

2. Fertilization: Lotus likes fertilizer, but the amount of fertilizer should not be too large. If you apply too much fertilizer, you will burn it. Lotus has a higher requirement for fertilizer in summer, and it is best to apply fertilizer every 15-20 days. If the lotus becomes yellow and thin and has no disease spots, it proves that it is in a state of lack of fertilizer and should be fertilized in time.

3, light: to have enough light, family farming should put it in the position where the sun shines, and after it shows buds, give it at least 4 hours of light every day, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and the buds will wither.

II. Methods of reproduction

1. Sow and reproduce: soak the seeds that have been opened in the water, and they will germinate in a week. You should often change water for them, and you can transplant them in about half a month. When transplanting, you should pay attention to the lotus leaves to be exposed to the outside, and the water layer should not be too deep. As long as it is maintained normally.

2. Split lotus root propagation: take the prepared lotus root out of the soil, clean the mud, do not let its tail into water when planting, put it in the sun after planting, pour the right amount of water when the soil becomes dry, and increase the amount of water after germination.

Third, common diseases

1. Rot disease: when the leaves are soaked in water for a long time or when the soil is barren, the disease occurs more seriously, it should be fertilized appropriately, the water layer is not too deep, and carbendazim can be sprayed to prevent and cure it.

2. Brown spot: the leaves of lotus will appear brown spots, and the disease will be aggravated in the rainy season. The diseased leaves should be cleared in time, and the serious disease can be sprayed with carbendazim or Dyson zinc solution.