
How to take root on the ground

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When breeding and taking root on the ground, it is necessary to choose the soil with drainage, good air permeability and acid; to provide a warm environment; the growth stage can be watered to make the basin soil moist, and fertilized once a month. Diseases and insect pests occur frequently and need to be prevented and controlled in time. In addition, the basin needs to be changed regularly. In addition, if you want to reproduce, you can use sowing or cutting methods.

1, breeding environment

(1) Soil: The main requirements are good drainage and permeability, and weak acidity. Specifically, it can be used as culture soil by evenly mixing decaying leaf soil and sandy soil.

(2) Temperature: Rooting is warm, so it is more appropriate at about 20 degrees. Winter must pay attention to, not below zero, otherwise it will be frostbite.

(3) Watering: Plants like to be wet. Therefore, especially during the growth period, it is necessary to provide sufficient moisture to keep the pot soil in a moist state. But it is also afraid of waterlogging, and there must be no standing water. In autumn and winter, you can reduce the number of watering. However, it may bloom in winter and needs a little water.

(4) Fertilization: mainly in the growing season, fertilizer is applied once a month.

2. Prevention and control of pests and diseases

Pests and diseases are more frequent, such as powdery mildew and other common pests. Thiophanate methyl can be used to treat diseases; omethoate emulsifiable concentrate can be used to treat pests.

3. Change the basin

Change pots once a year, replace some of the old soil, trim the roots, and cut off the rotten roots. If necessary, you can change to a larger pot.

4. Reproductive methods

The most common are cuttings and seeds. Cutting mainly in May and June, with eight to ten centimeters long branches, pay attention to maintain humidity. When sowing, because the seeds are small, it is not suitable to cover the soil. After sowing, if the conditions are suitable, it can germinate in about half a month.