
Triangular plum blossoms and new shoots stop growing so that if treated like this, it will soon be full of flowers again.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xiaoqi taught you by hand that the new branches of the flower-growing triangular plum stopped growing. Why? First of all, let's talk about the continuous growth of new shoots while triangular plum blossoms, and new flower buds continue to emerge in the process of growth. As long as there are plenty of nutrients.

Xiao Qi

Teach you how to grow flowers

The new shoots of triangular plum stopped growing. Why?

First of all, the flowering of triangular plum shoots continue to grow, and new flower buds continue to emerge during the growth process. As long as there are enough nutrients, his new shoots will continue to grow until there are not enough nutrients or watering is not timely, and it will stop growing, which is what appears in the picture.

This situation proves that its flowering period is about to pass. After this batch of flowers bloom, all its flowers will fall off, after falling off. Start a new round of growth, or we can fertilize and control water and so on to make it bloom again.

If you want it to bloom longer, place it in a place where the light is relatively weak. Can prolong its flowering period, wait for the flower to fall completely after, want to begin pruning. Control the water and let it bloom again.

After flowering, cut off all the remaining flower stems, and retain two to three leaves at the top of the branches. Cut off all the small branches that are too dense inside, and don't keep too many branches, because there will be many buds on each branch, including the old branches, where the buds grow out later to bloom. As long as you have enough buds, there is no need to keep too many branches, because too many later, its nutrients and supplies are not available. When the time comes, flowers will not bloom much or they will not bloom, only buds will grow. This is the reason. It will only backfire. We must prune them strongly.

The process of water control, I will briefly talk about it here. After pruning, give him a multi-element fertilizer supplement, and after about ten days, start giving him potassium dihydrogen phosphate. With about two or so of the nutrients he consumed, basically complete, start growing branches, we will start to control the water, put the triangle plum in a very sunny place. After the soil in the basin is completely dried and the leaves begin to wither, pour a little water on him. After pouring water, his leaves will stand up. Then let it dry and water it a little, and cycle it down. Every ten days, he'll be doused with potassium dihydrogen phosphate. It lasts for one to two months, and he will be able to have flower buds. At this time, stop fertilizing and controlling water, and water normally without water shortage. Just start it blooming, and it'll pop soon enough.

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