
A spray of carbendazim can cure these plant diseases.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Carbendazim is all too familiar to flower friends. When green plants encounter diseases, they have to come out. It is an efficient and low-toxic fungicide that can protect and treat plants.

Carbendazim is all too familiar to flower friends. When green plants encounter diseases, they have to come out. It is an efficient and low-toxic fungicide that can protect and treat plants; and the maintenance period of sterilization can reach half a month, and the maintenance period during the rainy season can be as long as a week. Carbendazim can control a wide range of diseases, such as powdery mildew, stem rot, black spot, white silk, anthracnose and other diseases. The following details explain the usage and efficacy of carbendazim.

I. stem rot of orchids

The disease is at its peak from May to September each year, mostly due to fungal infections caused by high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation. Signs of yellowing begin to appear at the base of the orchid, and after a day or two, the plant will die because of the withered yellowing of the plant. If you touch the leaves with your hands, you will find that the disease will drop immediately, and the disease will occur more quickly. At first glance, the roots will look intact, but the lesions inside will be brown, and serious ones may even rot.

Remedial method: take the infected stem rot plant out of the basin, first cut off the rotten part, then soak it in a diluted carbendazim solvent bottle, soak it for at least an hour, then take it out to dry, disinfect it and plant it in the pot.

Second, the rotten root of the gentleman orchid

There are many reasons for the rotten roots of Cymbidium, which may be caused by improper watering, heavy fertilization or bacterial infection in the basin soil. Whether the rotting orchid can survive depends on whether the rhizome is still intact. If there is no separation between the leaf and the root axis, it can still be remedied. If even the new leaves in the middle have rotted, there is nothing you can do about it.

Carbendazim solution should be used to remedy the rotting roots of Cymbidium. The usage is as follows: first, remove the plant from the basin, wash the roots carefully, and remove all the diseased roots. Then soak the roots with carbendazim solution for dozens of minutes, fish out and dry them into the basin.

Third, anthrax of lily bamboo

This disease is mainly manifested in the leaves of the plant, so it is easy to find that light brown spots will grow on the leaves of lilies at the beginning of the disease, and with the aggravation of the disease, the disease spots will continue to expand outward; in the later stage of the disease, the disease will become black.

The treatment of diseases on the leaf surface is relatively simple. After diluting the carbendazim solution with clear water, it can be sprayed on the leaf surface every few days.

In the future, when you encounter plant diseases, you won't be in a hurry. Carbendazim is good, but you should pay attention to the dosage when using it, and beware of excessive damage to green plants.