
You know the effect of white tea.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, one。 The allusion of white tea in medicine has the saying that "one year of tea, three years of medicine, seven years of treasure". In the producing areas of North China and Fujian, white tea is generally regarded as a good medicine for curing measles patients, and there is a legend that the great grandmother used white tea to save lives.

one。 Allusions of White Tea in Medicine

White tea is known as "one year of tea, three years of medicine, seven years of treasure". In the producing areas of North China and Fujian, white tea is generally regarded as a good medicine for curing measles patients, and there is a legend that the great grandmother used white tea to save lives. Therefore, Zhou Liangong in the Qing Dynasty wrote in the "Minxiaji": "Bai Hao Silver Needle, which produces Hongxue Cave in Taimu Mountain, its cold nature, attack the same rhinoceros horn, is the holy medicine to cure measles."

two。 Efficacy utilization of white tea

Affected by the health effect of white tea, white tea is becoming more and more popular in Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. Now white tea is not only highly respected as a health drink, Europe and the United States have developed cosmetics, shampoo and so on. The main efficacy of white tea is reflected in anti-aging (beauty), whitening skin care and weight loss and other aspects, its main efficacy fully meets the needs of urban women.

three。 Comparison of substances in white tea

White tea is so effective. Do you know why? Although the contents of tea polyphenols, amino acids, alkaloids, sugars, aromatic substances, vitamins, minerals, proteins and so on are almost the same in different teas, white tea stands out in terms of active ingredient content.

It can be seen from the table that the contents of flavonoids, amino acids, soluble carbohydrates and polysaccharides in white tea are higher than those in other teas. This is because the activity of endogenous enzymes is moderately stimulated and utilized in white tea processing (mainly in the withering process), which is conducive to the formation and accumulation of amino acids, flavonoids and soluble carbohydrates. It is also the basis that white tea has more health effects than other kinds of tea.

four。 The outstanding efficacy of white tea

When it comes to the efficacy of tea, we are all familiar with it. We can casually talk about reducing blood pressure, lowering blood fat and blood sugar, anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-radiation, anti-inflammation, sterilization and anti-oxidation, clearing the liver and refreshing. But for white tea, these are simply weak!

According to the research on white tea at home and abroad, the changing process of processing technology and biochemical composition makes it have more obvious effect of three reducing and three antibodies than other kinds of tea, and the bactericidal and antibacterial effect is better than that of green tea. the effect of removing dampness and fever, beauty and freckle is also quite significant.

(1) antipyretic and anti-inflammatory: White tea is the best cool drink with less heat absorption in the process of processing, and has the effect of removing dampness and reducing fever. White tea has been circulating among the people in Fuding for disinfection, anti-inflammation and sterilization. The old Baihao silver needle can be used as an antipyretic for children with measles. Its antipyretic effect is better than antibiotics. The ancients called it a sacred medicine for measles.

(2) antioxidants: according to the results of the Human Nutrition Research Center of the United States Department of Agriculture, "the antioxidants of a cup of green tea are equal to 4 cups of orange juice, while the antioxidants of a cup of white tea are equal to 12 cups of orange juice."

(3) Antimutagenesis: through Salmonella test, it is found that white tea is more effective than other kinds of tea in antimutagenicity, which theoretically suggests that white tea has more anticancer potential than green tea and black tea.

Note: the Salmonella test is used to detect whether a chemical substance has the effect of anti-DNA mutation. The earliest manifestation of the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells is DNA mutation.

(4) Anti-cancer: in our daily cooking process, sugars, amino acids and other substances are easily transformed into carcinogenic heterocyclic amines. Studies have shown that the inhibitory effect of many kinds of heterocyclic amine carcinogenic mutagens in white tea is very significant. The combination of sulindac and white tea also affects the expression of β-catenin (β-catenin), blocks the formation of carcinogens, and thus plays a role in chemical prevention of cancer. And reduce the toxicity and side effects of non-steroidal anticancer drugs (NSAIDs).

(5) lowering blood pressure: according to the determination, the content of free amino acid in white tea is significantly higher than that in other kinds of tea, especially theanine. Injection of theanine into spontaneously hypertensive rats caused a significant decrease in blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure and mean blood pressure, and no significant change in heart rate.

(6) reducing blood sugar and blood lipid: the special processing technology of white tea well retains the active enzymes necessary for the human body but less in other teas. Long-term drinking white tea can significantly increase the activity of lipoprotein lipase in the human body and promote fat catabolism. effectively control insulin secretion, delay glucose absorption, decompose excess sugar in the body, and promote blood glucose balance. At the same time, it promotes the secretion of pancreatic juice, which reduces the route of blood sugar and increases the way of going.

(7) liver protection: White tea extract can effectively inhibit the secretion of HBsAg and HBeAg, thus inhibit the replication and expression of hepatitis B virus.

(8) enhance immunity: White tea is rich in theanine, which is decomposed into ethylamine in the human liver, which in turn can mobilize human blood immune cells to respond to external attacks, and then T-shaped cells promote the secretion of interferon. Form the body's "chemical line of defense" against infection.

(9) weight loss: obesity is caused by fat anabolism in adipocytes greater than catabolism. White tea can significantly inhibit the activity of fat synthase in adipocytes and promote the catabolism of fat in the body to achieve the effect of weight loss.