
Production and Management of Persimmon Bonsai

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Persimmon is a deciduous persimmon tree with a height of more than 10 meters and an open crown, spherical or obtusely conical. The bark is dark gray, with deep cracks, square and brown branchlets. Leaf blade oblong, Obovate or broadly elliptic,.

Persimmon is a deciduous persimmon tree with a height of more than 10 meters and an open crown, spherical or obtusely conical. The bark is dark gray, with deep cracks, square and brown branchlets. The leaf is oblong, Obovate or broadly oval, similar to leathery, the surface is dark green and shiny, and some varieties are red in late autumn. Corolla campanulate, yellow-white, solitary or several clustered in leaf axils of new branches. Depending on the variety, the fruit is flat and spherical, often with four longitudinal grooves or constrictions, ranging in size from 4 cm to 8 cm, and is red, orange-red, orange-yellow or bright yellow after maturity. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruit ripening period is from September to November.

The seedlings of Junqianzi, wild persimmon and oil persimmon can be used as rootstocks for making bonsai, and high ornamental value persimmon varieties such as Mopan persimmon, fire persimmon, pomegranate persimmon and Luofu persimmon can be used as scions to be grafted by split grafting or cutting grafting in spring. It can also be excavated and grown in the field for many years after falling leaves in autumn and before sprouting in spring. The simple and vigorous stump of Junqianzi can be grafted in the spring of the following year after one year of "raising billet". Because of the high content of tannin in the root of Junqian seed, it is difficult to heal after injury, and the tree potential recovers slowly after transplantation. therefore, the root system should be preserved as far as possible when transplanting, and pay attention to fresh and moisturizing to ensure survival. For the first time, it is appropriate to use a tile basin of suitable size to promote the growth of the root system and speed up the forming speed.

According to the shape of rootstock and the variety characteristics of scion, persimmon bonsai can be processed into single-dry type, double-dry type, oblique dry type, water-facing type, literati tree and other different forms of bonsai. Because of its large leaves, the crown is mostly natural, and its bright fruit hangs among the green leaves, which is very beautiful, while after falling leaves in winter, the branches such as iron have some characteristics. The modeling method adopts the combination of pruning and flat binding, which is cultivated gradually to make the branch thickness transition natural and the proportion coordinated.

Persimmon originates from the Yellow River Basin to the south of the Yangtze River Basin in China. It likes a sunny, warm and humid environment, but it is also resistant to drought and cold, and grows well in deep, fertile and well-drained soil. Therefore, it is appropriate to plant in deeper flowerpots. During the growing period, it can be maintained in a sunny and well-ventilated place. If the light is insufficient, the branches will not be full, the root system will grow poorly, the tree will be weak, the flower bud can not be fully differentiated, and the flowering and fruit setting will be rare. Keeping the basin soil moist without stagnant water, excessive drought and long-term stagnant water are not conducive to the normal growth of the plant. The mature thin liquid fertilizer was applied every 15 to 20 days, and the fertilization was stopped after the middle of September. However, during the period from flowering to fruit setting, it is necessary to control water and fertilizer to avoid branch growth, so as to promote flower bud differentiation. After fruit setting, watering and fertilization were restored, and the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was added properly until the fruit was colored. For the plants with weak growth and more fruit setting, urea plus potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on the leaves every 15 days in July and August to make the plants grow healthily. After the fruit is picked, it should be

Bury a proper amount of rotten cake powder in the basin. In winter, winter should be kept in a sunny cold room or outdoor shelter from the wind and the sun, and the temperature should not be higher than 10 ℃ to ensure plant dormancy and be beneficial to the growth of the coming year. In winter, a pruning is carried out to remove weak branches and overlapping branches in order to increase ventilation and light transmittance in the chamber, but too many thinning branches will rapidly lengthen the remaining branches and appear bald, while shrinking the 2-3 nodes at the end of the branches can promote fruit setting. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the two when pruning to form a short branch group and a compact crown. In summer, the weak branches on the backbone branches inside and outside the crown and the sprouts at the cut should be removed in time, and the new shoots with exuberant growth can be coring after leaving branches of appropriate length before and after flowering, so as to promote the secondary branches to form flower buds in the same year and become fruit branches in the next year. In order to promote flowers and protect fruits, the growing plants can also be peeled with double semi-rings from late May to early June, artificial pollination can be carried out at the full flowering stage, and other flower buds other than 2-3 upwards at the base of the fruiting branches can be thinned 10 to 15 days before flowering. Fruit thinning is carried out after physiological fruit drop, generally leaving 2-3 fruiting branches for each fruiting mother branch and 2-3 fruits for each fruiting branch. After the fruit is clear, some of the old leaves and branches that affect the beauty can be removed to maintain the beauty of the tree. Turn the pot before sprouting every 2 to 3 years.