
It is very suitable for indoor fragrant plants, the fragrance of flowers is elegant, fresh and can purify the air.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When growing flowers, I always want to raise some fragrant flowers, blooming beautiful flowers, as if there is no aroma always make people physically and mentally happy, the room is filled with their favorite flowers, think very happy, but not all.

When growing flowers, I always want to raise some fragrant flowers and give beautiful flowers. The fragrance that seems to have nothing always makes people physically and mentally happy. The room is filled with their favorite flowers. I feel very happy when I think about it. However, not all flowers are suitable for indoor maintenance, so what are the floral plants suitable for indoor maintenance?

1. Milan

Milan is very common, it not only blossoms and smells pleasant, but also can purify the poisonous substances in the air. It is very suitable for potted plants at home. Milan likes the environment with plenty of light very much. It is best to put it on the southward balcony or windowsill for maintenance. Milan is an acidic flower, and the potted soil is mainly made of rotten leaf soil. It can spray a little ferrous sulfate solution to the leaves every week to make the leaves green and bloom more.

two。 Jasmine flower

Jasmine has green leaves and rich aroma, which makes people feel very comfortable. it has the reputation of the first fragrance in the world. Jasmine is also a flower that likes acidic soil. More phosphate and potassium fertilizer is applied during budding, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a very good choice.

3. Lavender

Lavender is a very important essential oil raw material in the world, its aroma can refresh the mind, is a rare flower, lavender is also a full-sunshine flower, bloom more in a sunny environment, need timely pruning after flowering, generally trim the top by 1/3, which is conducive to continued growth.

4. Chamomile

Chamomile can produce small white flowers, flower fragrance is similar to apple fragrance, ornamental value is also very high, it also likes sufficient light, its germination rate is relatively high, more suitable for sowing and reproduction, after germination, it needs to be put on the southward balcony for maintenance.