
Summer cool artifact-peppermint

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Peppermint, the soil called "Yindan grass", is a plant of the family Labiatae, that is, it also belongs to other dry herbs. Born in the mountains, wetlands and rivers, the rhizome is underground, more than 2100 meters above sea level, but it can also grow at 3500 meters above sea level.

Peppermint, the soil called "Yindan grass", is a plant of the family Labiatae, that is, it also belongs to other dry herbs. Most of them are born in mountains, wetlands and rivers, and the roots are underground, mostly at an altitude of 2100 meters, but they can also grow at an altitude of 3500 meters. It is a kind of aromatic crop with special economic value. The whole plant is green and fragrant. Leaves opposite, flowers small lavender, lip-shaped, dark purple-brown small fruit after flowering. Perennial herbs. Stem erect, 30-60 cm tall, lower nodes with slender fibrous roots and horizontal creeping rhizomes, sharply quadrangular, four-grooved, distally inverted puberulent, lower puberulent only along ribs, much branched.


Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, lanceolate, elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, sparsely oblong, 3-5 (7) cm long, 0.8-3 cm wide, apex acute, base cuneate to suborbicular, margin sparsely coarse dentate-serrate above base, lateral veins ca. 5-6 pairs, conspicuously slightly sunken below with middle rib above, green above Sparsely puberulent along veins, or nearly glabrous except veins, light green above, usually densely puberulent along veins; petiole 2-10 mm long, abdomen concave and dorsally convex, puberulent.

Verticillate inflorescences axillary, globose in outline, ca. 18 mm in diam., pedicel or sessile, pedicel up to 3 mm long, puberulent; pedicel slender, 2.5 mm long, puberulent or subglabrous. Calyx tubular-campanulate, ca. 2.5 mm, outside puberulent and glandular punctate, inner surface glabrous, 10-veined, inconspicuous, calyx teeth 5, narrowly triangular-subulate, apex long acute, 1 mm long. Corolla lilac, 4 mm long, slightly puberulent outside, inner surface puberulent below throat, limb 4-lobed, upper lobe apex 2-lobed, larger, the remaining 3 lobes nearly equal, oblong, apex obtuse. Stamens 4, anterior pair longer, ca. 5 mm, all extending beyond Corolla, filiform, glabrous, anthers ovoid, 2-loculed, locules parallel. Style slightly beyond stamens, apex subequaling 2-lobed, lobes subulate. The disk is flat-topped. Nutlets ovoid, yellowish brown, with small glandular fossa. The florescence is from July to September and the fruiting period is October.


Edible value:

Peppermint has both medical and edible functions, the main edible parts are stems and leaves, and can also be used for juice extraction. In edible, peppermint can be used as seasoning, spice, wine, tea and so on. Every 100 grams of dry mint contains 9.6 grams of moisture, 6.8 grams of protein and 31.1 grams of fiber, providing 870.7 kilojoules of calories.

Medicinal value:

Peppermint is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine in China. The tender stem tip can be used as vegetable food, and the whole herb can be used as medicine to treat cold, fever, throat pain, headache, eye pain, muscle pain, skin rubella scratching, measles impermeable and other diseases. in addition, it is also effective for carbuncle, gangrene, scabies, ringworm and lacquer sore.

Peppermint contains menthol, which can refresh breath and has a variety of medicinal properties, can relieve abdominal pain, gallbladder problems such as spasm, antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant, stomach and digestive functions. Eating large amounts of peppermint can lead to insomnia, but small doses can help you sleep.



1. People with yin deficiency and blood dryness, hyperactivity of liver yang and excessive sweat should not take peppermint leaves.

2. Women during pregnancy should avoid using it. And because peppermint has the effect of inhibiting milk secretion, so women in lactation should not be used more; and because of peppermint fragrant and spicy powder, patients with lung deficiency cough, yin deficiency fever and sweating should also be used with caution. In addition, the ingredients of peppermint are prone to volatilization due to heat, so it should be put in after boiling. And it has the effect of awakening and excitement, so it is not suitable to drink too much so as not to cause sleep disturbance.

Plant culture:

Hades fell in love with the beautiful elf Mansy, arousing the jealousy of the keeper's wife, Percy Fanny. In order to make the Keeper forget Mansy, Percy Fanny turned her into an inconspicuous grass, growing on the side of the road for people to trample on. But after the strong and kind-hearted Mansy turned into a grass, she had a comfortable cool and charming fragrance, and the more she was trampled on, the more intense she became. Although she has become a grass, she is loved by more and more people. People call this grass mint.

Peppermint is a kind of hopeful plant, there are inevitably many people or things missed in life, and there are almost no opportunities to meet, date and love again, but the more we miss them, the more we miss them. Although peppermint is a kind of insipid flower, its taste is refreshing, freshness seeps into the skin from every pore, and every cell in the body is permeated, which is a very happy feeling. It will give a little comfort to those who have lost, so the flower words of peppermint are "wish to meet you again" and "Love me again". In addition, it also has a kind of flower language is "virtuous people".