
How to raise one-leaf orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For the cultivation of one-leaf orchid, it is best to choose loose, fertile acidic soil; keep the soil moist for a long time and spray water; fertilize once or twice a month; usually put it in a bright indoor maintenance, not too shady; the temperature is controlled at about 20 degrees; pay attention to window ventilation during the day to improve indoor humidity. After the disease, the diseased leaves should be cut off and cleaned and sprayed.

1. Culture environment

(1) soil: the requirements are not particularly strict, as long as they meet the requirements of looseness, fertility and acidity. Rotten leaf soil, peat soil and garden soil can be mixed. If there are conditions, you can also add some base fertilizer.

(2) watering: one-leaf orchid likes to be moist, especially in the growing period, be sure to keep the soil moist. In addition to watering, spray water when evaporation is high, but don't leave too much water on the leaves. After the growth period, the amount of water can be reduced.

(3) fertilization: it prefers fertilizer, but the demand is different in different periods. Liquid fertilizer once or twice a month during the growing period. After the growth period, once every two months or so.

(4) Illumination: it is OK to give scattered light at ordinary times, not too dark. It can be placed on the balcony and other places with plenty of light. Block out light when there is direct light.

(5) temperature: it is better to be about 20 degrees. You should pay special attention to it in winter and keep it indoors and other warm places.

(6) ventilation: often open windows during the day to reduce indoor humidity, which can effectively prevent some diseases and insect pests.

2. Prevention and control of diseases

After the occurrence of the disease, can not be ignored, timely treatment. First cut off the diseased areas and clean them up to prevent them from affecting other parts. Then spray the potion two or three times. In addition, the environment should not be too humid.