
What if the rose leaves turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Rose leaves yellowing need to take countermeasures: if watering is unreasonable, it is necessary to reasonable watering; if fertilization is unreasonable, it is necessary to apply reasonable fertilization, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied to it, and the concentration should be low; if there is a disease, you can spray the corresponding medicine to solve the problem.

I. rational watering

Unreasonable watering will cause it to have yellow leaves. If it is because of too much watering, it is necessary to immediately reduce watering and put it in a cool place; if it is too little, it is necessary to appropriately increase the amount of watering and the frequency of watering.

Watering should pay attention to the weather and season, from the beginning of spring to flowering time, generally watering 3 or 4 times is enough. It can be watered for 2 or 3 times in summer and autumn. Care should be taken to keep the roots from accumulating water when watering.

II. Rational fertilization

Early fertilization is likely to affect the growth of its roots, so this kind of flower is most suitable for fertilization in autumn. When applying fertilizer, keep in mind that it is not suitable to apply fertilizer at the beginning of planting, and the content of nitrogen in the fertilizer should not be too high. It is worth noting that too much or less fertilizer is not conducive to its growth, and the improper type of fertilizer applied may also lead to its yellow leaves. We can apply an aqueous solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or urea to it, paying attention to a lower concentration. If its plant is small and looks unhealthy, foliar fertilizer can be applied appropriately to its surface.

Third, solve the disease in time

This kind of plant is easy to get sick. Its common diseases are rust and black spot. In addition, powdery mildew is also very harmful. The occurrence of these diseases may cause its leaves to turn yellow. Therefore, we usually have to make more observation and deal with the illness in a timely manner. If black spot occurs, you can spray drugs such as Dakening or carbendazim; if powdery mildew occurs, you can use triadimefon solution; if rust occurs, you can use 800 times triadimefon spray, once a week, for a continuous month or so.