
9 words in May, full of flowers in June

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Gardenia flowering is about to arrive, general flowering in May-September, June opened the most vigorous. Then, if you want gardenia to grow well in flowering and bloom more, you need to master the following 9 sentences. Gardenia that blooms in June is big and fragrant.

The florescence of gardenia is coming, usually from May to September, with the most exuberant blooming in June. So, if you want gardenia to grow well in florescence and blossom more, you need to master the following nine sentences. Gardenia blooming in June is big, and everyone praises the fragrance of gardenia.

The first sentence: choose the right soil.

Gardenia jasminoides is an acid-loving flower, and the suitable pH value of pot soil is 5-6.

Second sentence: scientific watering

Always keep the soil moist and increase air humidity. When the air humidity is less than 70%, it will directly affect flower bud differentiation and bud formation. The surface of the basin soil should be watered when it is dry. During the day, clear water should be used to spray the leaf surface and the nearby ground to appropriately increase the air humidity. At night, the leaf surface should be watered and applied. In the alkaline water area in the north, tap water can be used for watering flowers after two days. Every 3 ~ 5 days, 0.5 grams of citric acid and 1 gram of ferrous sulfate solution are added per liter and watered once, which can make the leaves oily and green.

The third sentence: rational fertilization

During the growing season, the general organic nutrient solution for flowers is applied once a week. However, thin fertilizer must be applied frequently, generally 500 times as much as water, once every 7 days or so. Do not apply thick fertilizer and raw fertilizer. For those who have been planted for less than three years, do not give human faeces and urine. 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution twice at budding stage. Fertilization should be stopped when the temperature is above 35 ℃ in hot summer and below 15 ℃ in autumn.

The fourth sentence: bask in the sun more

In addition to the need for shade and winter dormancy during the strong light at noon every day from July to August, it is generally necessary to maintain 60% of the light in the sun in order to blossom and flourish.

The fifth sentence: good dormancy in winter

Put the flowerpot in a cold room of about 5 ℃ to make the gardenia dormant, or wrap the flowerpot with foam and other thermal insulation materials, and put it in the leeward and sunny place to survive the winter.

The sixth sentence: change the basin soil at the right time

Small potted plants should be used for gardenia seedlings and then gradually replaced into large pots. When the crown width is 2 to 3 times the diameter of the basin, the diameter of the basin should be 5 cm larger than that of the original basin. Family potted gardenia, when the diameter of the flowerpot reaches about 28%, that is, no longer change the pot, only change the pot soil. The soil can be changed in March in spring. After pouring the basin, cut off part of the old roots, fight off half of the old soil, pour water after cultivation with new soil, and put it in a warm semi-shady place. The new buds are preserved in the sun after sprouting.

Seventh sentence: proper pruning

Gardenia has strong sprouting power, easy to overlap branches, airtight, resulting in nutrition dispersion. Therefore, Gardenia jasminoides seedlings, 20 cm in the trunk should be topped, leaving 3-4 branches. The branches topped again when there were two pairs of leaves. Let it grow in the future. Lobular gardenia does not need to be topped, it is trimmed lightly after flowering every year, and the inner bore branches and diseased weak branches are cut off. Its individual apprentices can be truncated by long branches. But keep in mind that gardenia can not be cut short in spring, otherwise it will not blossom in that year.

Eighth sentence: prevent leaves from yellowing

The second is magnesium deficiency.

Ninth sentence: prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

There are mainly anthracnose, leaf spot and scale, moths and other pests. The control methods are as follows: eliminating the disease and burning the fallen leaves; spraying Bordeaux liquid or carbendazim during the disease period; and spraying any one of omethoate, trichlorfon, dichlorvos and fenitrothion during the nymph or larval stage of the pest. Poison.