
Bought an onion and planted it to blossom bigger than a fist.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Zhu Dinghong is a kind of ball flower, and the seed balls bought are like onions. This kind of ball is well raised, the flowers are big and colorful, and they are very beautiful. The planting method of red bulb: (1). Remove the decaying epidermis, which can reduce the chance of rotting roots. Keep it.

Zhu Dinghong is a kind of ball flower, and the seed balls bought are like onions. This kind of ball is well raised, the flowers are big and colorful, and they are very beautiful.

Planting method of Zhu Dinghong seed ball:

(1)。 Remove the decaying epidermis, which can reduce the chance of rotting roots. Keep strong roots, and clean up rotten and old roots.

(2)。 Soak the middle and lower part of the bulb in clean water for 1 to 2 hours, the water temperature is slightly higher than room temperature, timely water replenishment can promote germination.

(3)。 The seed bulb was soaked in 1000 times diluted carbendazim solution for disinfection and soaked in 10~15min to take out the seed ball.

(4)。 The sandy acid loam rich in organic matter is selected to have good drainage. 2 parts of peat, 1 part of perlite and 1 part of vermiculite can be mixed evenly, and then an appropriate amount of calcium superphosphate is added as base fertilizer.

(5)。 Plant the seed ball, plant the seed ball into the soil, half the depth of the seed ball, and water it thoroughly immediately after planting.

(6)。 New leaves grow from the bulb, and then the soil is added gradually. Keep it in a cool place with good ventilation.

Cultivation methods of Zhu Dinghong:

(1)。 Watering: Zhu Dinghong has a great demand for water and should be watered thoroughly every time.

(2)。 Fertilization: after planting bulbs and waiting for the leaves to grow with 5~6cm, start to topdressing. Apply rotten cake fertilizer and water every 15 days. After flowering, fertilizer is applied every 20 days, which can promote the formation of new bulbs.

(3)。 Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Zhu Dinghong is 18-25 ℃, and it is not resistant to cold. In winter, the temperature is controlled at 5 ℃ ~ 10 ℃.

(4)。 Lighting: Zhu Dinghong is placed in an environment with sufficient light and good ventilation. In summer, the sun should not be too strong, do a good job to avoid shade measures to avoid leaf burns.