
He strokes the cat, walks the rabbit, is obsessed with craftsmanship, and owns a succulent courtyard in Dali that hides love and beauty.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The 16th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

16 June


Foreword Qian Yan

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Author / Zhang Bin

Coordinates in the paper / Yunnan Dali

Editor / succulent plant sink

There is always a body and mind on the road, encounter a lot of unexpected scenery, is really the gift of life, is the surprise of meat history, Dali has always been a yearning place.

[inscription] Dali, an ancient city in western Yunnan, was first known because of Duan's Dali in martial arts books, and the earlier stories of "five Golden Flowers" and "Butterfly Spring" also took place here. Because here is picturesque, folk customs are simple, coupled with some literary and artistic vocabulary: "romantic flowers and snow moon" has some connection, attracting countless literary and artistic young people to come here to meditate and release their mood, making it gradually become a tourist resort. This is not, living in the reinforced concrete city for a long time, irritable, the student party from Chengdu "Dong 12" came to Erhai Lake, found this inn, felt and recorded it? The kind of slow life you want, calm down and slow down.

Winter vacation is coming, and the busy time finally slows down. It is a cold winter in the north, so it slows down the pace of going home. In the winter of lazy Chengdu, there is almost no sun, so Dali has become a natural choice. Or maybe it's my obsession with the name "Dali". ]

How can life have so much time to wait? Let's go! While we are young ~

I am a lazy person. I only do things on a whim. If I do not take action for more than three days, I am bound to give up. So spent most of the day looking for travel strategies on the Internet, dazzling inns, making people drowsy. After waking up, continue to search aimlessly, to be able to meet this succulent courtyard is probably the legendary fate. ]

The happiest thing about traveling is to choose the right place at the right time.

? [it's not on the website, it's just a recommendation from some posts. Added the QQ number of Pippi shopkeeper and waited for a day and a half. Just when I was about to forget this inn, Pippi shopkeeper gave me an answer. Honest and brief, the yard is small, a little far from the ancient city, full of succulent plants, no deliberate pleasantries and strong recommendations. ]

Between the depth and the light, is the tacit understanding of the soul; between the distance and the near, is the echo of God.

Probably because of selection difficulties, I decisively decided that this was the family. Later, when chatting with the shopkeeper Pippi, he said that in fact, he did not think that I would really live in his house in the end. I laughed, maybe I was too lazy. ]

It's okay to be lazy, it's just your figure that destroys your body, if you're lazy, it's your life.

Slowly tidy up, slowly train, in a sunny and cold morning, I arrived in Dali as scheduled, arrived at this succulent courtyard. ]

With the fast-paced development of the times, people miss the slow life of that era more and more.

For me, who lives in Chengdu all the year round, I am inexplicably excited to see such bright sunshine and the bright succulent plant in this courtyard. ]

If we can treat the small luck in life with a heart of contentment and gratitude, life will be full of sunshine.

Lying on the rocking chair in front of the door, basking in the sun, in a daze. Clear the mind and mood, time is probably at a standstill at this moment. Xu answered that sentence, the least valuable thing here is time, and the most precious thing is sunshine. Just let me get drunk in this sunny morning! ]

There will be a ray of sunshine in people's heart, some twinkle in the noise, some bright in the soul ~

See Pippi shopkeeper in the night after a day, Pippi shopkeeper and his small courtyard temperament is very consistent, but it is far beyond my expectation. Like to raise succulent plants, this small yard is his own little kingdom. The most pleasant thing every day is to get up early and water the flowers and wait for these babies to come out of shape. ]

Tonghua said:

There are many people in the world. the best thing is to meet you in my most beautiful years, and time becomes precious and meaningful in every second of blooming and communication.

? [steal half a day of free life, maybe you will slowly calm down your heart, and finally understand that life is not in a hurry, because sowing and harvesting are not in the same season]

If life is a surging river, then you are your own soul ferryman.

In the meantime, all we can probably do is try to sow and wait. ]

You can boldly set your itinerary to "be a loser for a day in a daze", sit down on a small bench at will, enjoy the wind and the embrace of the sun, from the sun to sunset, where time is allowed to be wasted.

Perhaps, whether the flowers bloom or not is a matter of flowers! ]

? [whether the fish will come or not is a matter for the fish! ]

? [the rest is our business! ]

Life is too short to do some things if you want to. If you miss the present, you may not have another chance in the future.

In addition, the leather shopkeeper also likes to pet the cat. The kitten's name is mantis shrimp. The shopkeeper jokes that mantis shrimp's food is more expensive than his own food. ]

Like to walk the rabbit, this cute little rabbit is going to be locked up and raised. The shopkeeper said that if the rabbit is released, the yard full of meat will be eaten up. ]

As a pet addict, I have witnessed the ups and downs of too many Internet celebrities. In fact, whether it is a person or a cat or rabbit, there is only one principle to be an online celebrity: poke the points of netizens, whether it's cute, funny, or pee. If you want to see the story of mantis shrimp, you can read my own article: the Cat Star Man in the open hang area! )

It is reasonable if it is just these hobbies, but unexpectedly, the leather shopkeeper is still obsessed with craftsmanship. A coarse cloth handbag, he can slowly sew it by hand for five nights. ]

Inheriting master's traditional handicrafts contains the wisdom, aesthetics and spirit of the Chinese people, as well as the cultural genes passed on by the Chinese people from generation to generation. At a time when material life is constantly enriching and scientific and technological innovation is constantly leading changes in social life, self-confident Chinese people's interest in traditional skills is quietly returning.

He said that he would pass on the things of these ethnic groups. Watching carefully, it is really hard to think that such a delicate small bag is made by a big man. ]

No matter how noisy the world is, the heart of the craftsman is absolutely quiet. In an almost self-concealed posture, they silently guard their skills and beliefs in their hearts, and pass them on through their works.

This small courtyard embodies the slow life incisively and vividly. Come is fate, remove a body of fatigue and guard, Pippi shopkeeper will make you a pot of hot tea, slowly enjoy the leisurely time of the courtyard. ]

The courtyard with exotic amorous feelings seems to be "overgrown with weeds", but it reveals Pippi's small mind of bringing leisure in the countryside. Those wild horsetail grass, rushes, ferns grow wantonly in the courtyard, the wild interest of the mountains and forests spread instantly, the wind blows, the grass shakes, the leaves fall, and the light and shadow of branches in the sun crisscross on the adobe wall. Find a stone bench to sit down and enjoy a cup of hot tea. It's a day to hold a book.

Listen to his story and talk about your past, where you can let go of all your precautions, put aside all your impetuosity, and quietly listen to your heart. What we need to practice is our own mind, putting aside all our chagrin, we will be happy and in a good mood wherever we go.

It is true that the heart is the root of bitterness and happiness. If you think about it, you will smile naturally and let it go.

? [maybe the stool you are sitting on is an old thing from the period of the Republic of China]

? [the small bowl of tea is also Song Chuan]

There is no limit to inheritance and time is limited, which is also the anxiety of contemporary people. Hu Shi said well: "No matter what the truth is infinite, there is an inch of surprise." "

He has stories and wine. If you also like to pet cats and walk rabbits, you might as well come and meet this small yard, water the flowers, listen to the wind, bask in the sun, and tell stories! ]

I have never been to Dali, but I have only heard of the sunny place at the foot of Cangshan Mountain, which is a precious place for raising meat. But I did not expect that there are so many beautiful "treasures" hidden in Pippi's distinctive courtyard. Not walking into his yard must be a great pity for the trip to Yunnan. If you have a chance to go to Dali, you must knock on the door of his house. Maybe you will meet a person here, a story, or just a glimmer of vision! ]

[Dong 12] narrator: Zhang Bin

Picture: uncle Pippi

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