
The leaves of asparagus are always withered and yellow. Learn how to plant asparagus here.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I also like asparagus very much, but like flower friends, when I first started raising asparagus, the green asparagus I bought looked very artistic and good-looking, but when I was raised and kept steady, I began to go astray and slowly turn yellow.

I also like asparagus very much, but like flower friends, when I first started to raise asparagus, the green asparagus I bought looked very artistic and very good-looking, but when I was raised and kept steady, I began to go astray and slowly turn yellow. and then it got out of hand. Later, after I died a few pots on my hand, I got some experience. I would like to share with you here.

The living habits of asparagus

People have their own habits, and asparagus also has its habits. Asparagus is native to South Africa, so you should know that asparagus is not resistant to cold. And asparagus likes a warm and humid environment, it is best to be ventilated and slightly cooler. Don't water too much at ordinary times, because asparagus is easy to rot its roots. The most suitable temperature is about 20 degrees. In winter, we must pay attention to the indoor temperature not lower than 5 degrees.

The cause of withering and yellowing of asparagus

Watering problems watering is a very problematic step in growing all kinds of flowers. Asparagus likes a slightly wetter growing environment. So watering must be appropriate. But what is appropriate? First of all, we should take into account the planting environment, generally when the air humidity is not big, the air humidity is large once every two weeks. Or according to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, the basin soil is watered when it is dry and watered thoroughly at one time.

As mentioned in the growth habits of asparagus, asparagus likes a semi-shady environment, so be careful not to let direct sunlight, which is very easy to cause leaf burns, resulting in the yellowing of asparagus leaves. Asparagus is suitable for indoor planting, usually pay attention to sunshade, it is best to often spray water to the leaves of asparagus with a spray can to keep moisture.

Fertilizer harms asparagus do not like the soil is too fat, so do not apply thick fertilizer. Excessive fertilization is very easy to cause root burning. It is usually OK to apply diluted cake fertilizer every other month. If the problem of fertilizer damage has already occurred, it is necessary to change the basin and soil in time.

Environmental asparagus has higher requirements for the growth environment, so it is best to put it in a relatively fresh, ventilated and ventilated semi-shady environment. Many flower friends put asparagus in places close to pollution sources such as smoke and gas, which can easily lead to withered and yellow asparagus leaves. In this case, asparagus can be placed in a more suitable environment in time.

In addition to the above-mentioned causes of asparagus withering and yellowing, there are other reasons, such as low temperature, insect pests and so on. So asparagus is very delicate, ah, if you don't pay attention, it will cause asparagus to die. Therefore, we must pay attention to take good care of their own asparagus at ordinary times.

The above explanation about the withered and yellow asparagus comes from the development of agriculture through science. I hope I can help you.